Chapter Ten

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    Jessa's alive?
    Mason grabs my wrist tightly to keep my hand on his back and starts running back to the clinic. I have the choice to run behind or be dragged. I trip over the step, and my arm nearly comes out of it's socket before I can get up.
    When we get there Connor is pacing around at the nurses station.
    "How is she? How does she look?" Mason asks.
    "All I could see was that her face was all bruised up." Connor tells him. "I don't think anything's broken."
    "Did she say anything? Connor! Did she say anything?"
    "She asked for you."
    I have a pit of dread in my stomach, and a hollowness in my chest.
    "The clinic has an extra chair around here. Connor get me the chair!" Connor turns to get a wheelchair from the supplies closet, and wheels it back to Mason who sinks into it then lets go of my wrist. I guess I'm not needed. No one notices me leaving.  I fist the hand that had been touching his back and bring it up to my nose to smell it, maybe for the last time.
    Luna Victoria is pacing in the living room. All the people who had been running around are gone.
    "Oh, Chloe! Can you believe it? Her Dad is going to be so happy!"
    "Where did everyone go?"
    "Jamal called the warriors to the boarder where we found her in case the rouges left her there, or if she escaped, followed her. What am I doing? I need to call her Dad!" Then she runs out leaving me alone.
    Not having anything to do and feeling emotionally shut down I sit on the couch and stare into the fireplace.
    The warriors return, waking me from my nap. Everyone is talking at once, but I manage to hear that they didn't find anything, just her footprints walking into the territory.
    I decide to go back to the clinic to see how Mason is. I go down the hallway, and open the door, but before the clinic comes into view I overhear a conversation.
    "There's no way to break the bond. He's stuck with her," Jamal says.
    Mason's stuck with me.
    "There has to be something we can do. He loves her," Luna Victoria tells him.
    Mason loves Jessa.
    "They're sharing a room now. Jessa can move into his guest room for a while."

Letting Go [complete - expanding chapters during rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now