A showcase with @eim1993, author of Unintended Consequences

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1 what inspired the idea of your story ?

A few months ago I came across an old diary of mine and I was wracked with second-hand anxiety from my past. It was so uncomfortable reading about my old crushes and how I acted. It actually messed me up for a few days. So this idea started to form about a character who felt that same anxiety on a much larger scale.

 2 what is something you struggled with for your story?

When I first started reading books on Wattpad, I was sucked in by the cliches! Sure, they may not be ground-breaking literature, but there is an escapism to cliches which I think can be a comfort during stressful times. 

When I started planning Unintended Consequences I wanted to include 'cliches' that I love but make sure I am having a fresh take on them. It's a struggle but I'm trying! Every time I think I could be getting too predictable I pivot.

 3 what has been the overall response to your story?

My book is still 'undiscovered'! The feedback trickles in very slowly, but so far is has been positive. I've gotten praise for my characters, plot development, and attention to grammar!

 4 what did you enjoy writing most about your story? 

I  love writing the characters of Charlotte and Archer. Their individual quirks and dynamics of how they interact with the world are so different. It my own personal escape to get into their heads when I'm writing from each POV.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a story?

It is a stand alone! I'll never say never, but I tend to gravitate towards stories where I get everything in one bite. So, I will most likely write in the same way. I also already have my next story planned for when Unintended Consequences is done, and it is completely separate.

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

Honestly, a little escape. I started writing this story to get away from all of the stress in our world right now and I hope readers can do the same. This is a story you can read in the tub or at the beach and get lost in a daydream.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it's comes to focusing on their own story?

I am a newcomer! So I may not be the best person to answer this. But I will say, don't be disingenuous! People can tell when you are only following/reaching out/reading their books because you want them to go give you reads and votes. The most unexpected and wonderful thing I have gotten from Wattpad is the community! I have to have faith that if my story is good, the reads will come.

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Definitely! I use my own personal struggles with social anxiety to fuel a lot of her experiences. Talking about mental health is so precarious, so I wanted to make sure I wasn't representing something I didn't understand. 

I am also the youngest girl in my family, with a bunch of older brothers and male cousins. So Charlotte's gravitation towards protective males is something I always had as well.

 9 what's something about your story, you believe would draw in new readers? 

Like I said before, I really think this story can be some good ol' escapism for New Adult/Romance lovers. Also, as a writer I am working really hard to create a story that has a plot, flow, and character development that is well thought out. 

To me, there is nothing worse than reading a story that moves a mile-a-minute, or makes huge jumps in character traits that maybe doesn't make sense.

10 do you have any future projects?

Yes! Once Unintended Consequences is done, I have another story in the works to begin posting. UC is a story that is built from my daydreams, wishing I could go to college in LA and meet hot football players. This next story will be more personal to my own experiences in my hometown.

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