A showcase with @kjwhitbread, author of cross roads

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I've always had quite the imagination. Mix that in with all the different types of romance books that I've read and it led me to want to read a certain kind of story, but I couldn't find it. So, I decided to write it instead. For the story itself, I've always been fascinated by motorcycles, the motorcycle clubs, and yes... even the bad boys (Laughs). It's a guilty pleasure.

2 what was something you struggled with for your story ?

The story is for mature audiences so, with that, it has sexual content. It was a struggle to be descriptive without overdoing it. I wanted it to be a tad more on the tasteful side. It was difficult, but I think it worked out (tries not to blush). The other struggle was finding the motivation to continue writing. This is my first year on Wattpad and as every beginner knows, it's not easy lighting that fire by yourself. I had to keep on writing for me because the story was stuck in my head and it would drive me bonkers if I didn't get it out. If there was someone out there who wanted to read it, then it was like having that extra spark.

3 what has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

  Most of the responses have come from a couple of book clubs I was in. I have never written anything before this, so most of the responses were helping figure out pacing and grammar. Although, they would end on the note of being interested in where the story is going and liked what they've read - even though, the story isn't typically the type of genre they prefer. That really made me smile. Oh! I do remember one morning I woke up and I saw a comment on the last chapter by someone I didn't even know was reading the book saying that she absolutely loved it! It made my day.

4 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

The twists and really diving into the characters. The twists have even surprised me to an extent. When I'm re-reading it, I'm thrown back a bit and find myself saying, "I wrote that?" I have tried really hard to make these characters realistic and relatable - I've had a lot of fun with it.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

a piece of a series

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

No matter what you've gone through or have done - you are worthy of forgiveness and love. Often times we forget that; I know I have. If that message can come across to even just one person from this series, then I've done my job as a writer.

7 what's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story?

Write for yourself. Have the whole story planned out and know how you want it to end. I have found that outlines help tremendously! Re-read your story over and over again to make sure it all flows together. Have fun with it. Most importantly, open yourself up to constructive criticism. It really does help - especially being a new writer.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

 Oh goodness! Yes. Too many (laughs). Not so much the hero but definitely with the heroine. The hero has similar qualities to that of a few different men that I know.  

9 what's something you believe would draw in new readers?

I  have been told numerous times that my writing is very descriptive and palatable that it makes the readers feel like they are a part of the story.

10 do you have any future projects?

Yes! I'm wanting this book to be a series. I'm not sure how many books - I'm thinking two or three. Currently, I'm working on Book 2: Road Chosen. 

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