A showcase with @MaggieFinnegan, author of All I have

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1 What inspired the idea of your story?

I started writing this story when I was eleven years old, so such a long time ago! When I first started the story, everything (and I mean absolutely everything!) was different, down to the outcomes, the plot line and even the names! I think, if I think back far enough - it comes down to a film I saw about the President's daughter, and how difficult it was to be the daughter of someone powerful, and it's spiraled for years and years to what it is now! I'm incredibly glad that it's progressed because that first draft was terrible!

 2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

Because I'm a romantic soul through and through, I knew exactly the pacing and events of the love story that I wanted, but what I really struggled with was the adventure plot (which stupidly, I made the most important part!). I've recently finished the book, but finalising the end finale, which included a plan, then a revised plan was so difficult to write! Everything felt too simple, or too overused and I sat for days with little cards with each aspect written on them, just trying to find an innovative way to end the story! I really struggled with that.

 3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

My favourite chapters are the ones that just let the fluff flood in! When I was younger, I had such a different opinion of love and always thought it needed to be completely obvious and outright, and as I've grown up, I realize there is so much more to be said in the things you don't say, than the things you do. I love being able to write chapters that have something happening, especially romantically, that no one dares to say out loud. I also can't resist writing scenes where people argue - I have one chapter that is set in an English class, and entails an argument about famous quote, and it was fun to use my English major to be able to work that in. Anything feel good that I write, makes me feel all happy and content, so they're definitely my favourite.

 4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

I'm actually yet to have any negative feedback, which is outstanding! (Watch a huge influx come now and prove me wrong, touchwood!). I've had people commenting that they love the book, and I've had it reviewed a few times and apart from minor details (such as the blurb, which I've always struggled with!), everyone has seemed to say that they enjoy the book and can't wait to see where it goes - and I can't either!

 5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

Originally, the book was supposed to just be one stand alone book, with the potential that I might write a sequel - although I never considered what the plot line might be for that. However when it actually came to write it, I was 500 pages in and nowhere near finished with the plot! I realized it would take another 500 pages to fully finish the book, and after um-ing and ah-ing over and over, I eventually made the decision to split the book into two parts. The first book is definitely capable of standing alone, and I think (once I've written it) the second one will be too, in spite of the way they fit together. They're set back to back and book two will focus on the continuation of the first book, and after that who knows! I like to write little 'one-shots' about the characters, just to get to know them better and I've gotten carried away with a few that are set in the future - so watch this space!

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

I just aspire to make people smile. When I was younger, I used Wattpad as a crutch to help me escape the world I was living in, and I was amazed at how people could write something at home on their laptops, and here I was - reading it! It really helped to boost my confidence and aspirations, and if I can inspire one other person, that would make my world. I've had one comment from a lovely girl in the community who sent me a wonderful message to say that she'd had a really bad day, and read my book and it had distracted her enough that she felt worlds better. In my mind, I've already completed my goal - I might as well pack up now! I would like to be a friend, and hopefully a help to other people who are reading like I was all those years ago.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

The best thing I could tell you to do would be to plan, plan, plan. I have like, seven notebooks filled with background information that I know will NEVER, ever even be part of the story, but might get a mention here or there. Knowing your characters inside out, knowing your setting and your surroundings in invaluable too. I've written things from 100 character development questions, world development questions, topography information (what the actual country is like; weather, customs etc), to actual research on real historical events and people who I think could influence my work. I could even tell you the physical limits of the human body in multiple different environments! Research is such a huge part of college, and being an English major, it highlights quite how important history is on literature, and I think it's so vital. I wouldn't have gotten this far without planning. If anyone needs recommendations for really useful websites, then please feel free to message me at @MaggieFinnegan  I have a huge list of almost everything possible!

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Some, but less than I'd like! I wish I were more like my main character, but I think that's why I can write her so successfully, and learn about her - because we're so polar opposite. There are some instances where we're similar, such as a huge love for family, a duty to be a good person, and a wicked sense of humor, however her whole attitude is so bad-ass, and she's not afraid of anything! She's got the strongest backbone (which, later in the book is shown to be very, definitely ironic!), and sometimes I wish I were able to have the self confidence she does! I think the reason she works so well is because I'm not basing her on myself, and so I'm not limited by anything I think or am scared of!

 9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

I would have to say that one of the things that I think sets my work apart from some others in the community, is the structure and style of my work. I never wrote with the intention of publishing on Wattpad, but rather actually publishing! This means that the chapters have been written and rewritten a billion times, and everything there is relevant and important, and the chapters are the same length as actual chapters in novels! I also have never read a story quite like mine - I feel like it has something for everyone; it's comedic, and sentimental, but sometimes gritty and hard to read. I would like to think that draws people in, but if not - just know that it makes me smile, and I hope it does the same for you!

 10 do you have any future projects?

Of course! I can't think of a single writer who doesn't have a million ideas going on at once! I'm currently writing the sequel to 'All I Have', and when I've hit writers block, there's another three books in the works also that could do with some love and attention! I'm hopeful that one day, I'll be able to write for a living, and I can dedicate all of my time to them, however I've got to actually adult for a while before that can happen!

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