My Pebbles Bring All The Hornets to the Yard

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I couldn't move or think at all. Before I could do anything, I just kinda stood there. A few seconds later, I slowly walked out of the bedroom into a room full of awkwardness. Like before, there was complete silence. All the boys had turned their heads in my direction as I came in. Though this time, it was worse and they all looked like they wanted to beat me up. Peter sat all alone with his face in his hands, this is not at all what I wanted. It seems that our talk only made things worse.

Then, I rushed out of the hideout. I kept my head down and did the walk of shame. As soon as I got out of there, I just started running. I didn't know what to do and I panicked, so I just ran. As I ran, tears slowly raced down my face. Peter looked even more broken-hearted. I just wanted to talk and get things sorted out, but instead he kissed me. Was he just embarrassed? Did he feel rejected? Suddenly, question after question began to form in my head and I had to stop running. Coincidentally, I arrived at the same pond Peter told me about his mother.

I wasn't really planning on arriving at a particular place, but the pond seemed to be calling my name. Or maybe I was just going crazy. I went to the edge of the pond and looked down at my perfect reflection. There was no movement in the pond, it was a little beautiful to be honest. However, I ruined its beauty when one of my tears fell onto my reflection. Ripple after ripple, the pond was greatly disturbed. Who knew something so small could cause so much?

As I began to cry more tears, I heard the shuffling of leaves behind me. Great, just what I needed... "I know you're there, you don't have to hide from me," I said as I hastily wiped my face. I turned around to find a face hidden behind the leaves of an exotic tree. "I'm not blind, come out you goose," I chuckled. Once I saw who was behind the tree, a smile suddenly appeared on my face. The boy moved out into the open with a smirk on his face. Then, he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into a tight hug.

"Devin!" I laughed in delight. I wrapped my arms tightly around Devin and dig my face into his chest. Devin and I had grown quite close and I could talk to him about anything. We had so much in common, we were instant besties! "Now, why is it raining from your eyes Stephanie? Did someone do something to you? Where are they? Lemme at 'em!" Devin hustled as he began to pull his sleeves up, revealing his stick-like arms. "No Dev, you got it all wrong. I'm not hurt, or anything. It's just...just something that happened."

Then, Devin shot me a confused look,"What do you mean? Does this have something to do with Peter?" I knew I couldn't keep the kiss away from Devin, I was going to have to tell him. "Yeah," I nodded as I looked down in sorrow. Devin knew my feelings towards Peter, he should be able to understand. "Hey, don't be so down in the dumps Stephie, you can tell me what happened," Devin said as he cupped my chin and pulled my face to his. So, I told him everything. I even told him about the 'shut up' part. It was like I was a tape recorder. I was playing back that moment with Peter to Devin, and I couldn't help but shed another tear.

"That's why Peter was crying, he rarely shows his emotions to the boys like that," Devin said. Peter never showed his emotions? Our talk must've broke him. "Devin, I just don't know what to do. You know Peter, right? Please help me. I just can't..," I trailed off as I hugged Devin once again. This time, even tighter. I couldn't talk to Peter now. Apparently, talking to him only made things worse. I needed someone else too. "Whoa, calm down! Yeah, I know Pete. We go way back, I'll go talk to him if you want me too." It was like he read my mind.

I pulled out of the hug and looked at Devin with a smile. I was probably a mess to look at though, my eyes were red and my cheeks were wet. I tried to wipe my face with my hands, but it only made my face worse. Devin chuckled at my situation, "Here, let me help." Devin got his sleeve and gently patted at my face. My eyes were locked on Devin's the whole time. When Devin was done, took a few steps back and held his hands up so that he formed a rectangle. "Picture perfect!" Devin exclaimed as he closed one of his eyes.

Devin always knew how to cheer me up. "Thank you Devin," I said. Then, Devin squatted against the edge of the pond. What was he doing? "A perfect pond, for skipping rocks," Devin claimed as he started to gather little pebbles of all shapes and sizes. Though, he started to hand me some rocks. Did he want me to skip rocks too? "Devin, you know I suck at this. I really don..," I let out before I was cut off. "Look, you see that?" He asked as he pointed towards the pond.

I shook my head, " Nope, I don't see anything." Suddenly, he grabbed my head and slowly tilted it towards what looked to be...a hornet's nest. A hornet's nest hung upon a tree and was nearly dipping the water of the pond. "NOPE, DEVIN I'M OUT!" I screamed as I started to walk away. However, I was pulled right back to the pond. I tried to put up a fight, but it was no use. "Devin, I'm not going to shoot down a hornet's nest for kicks!" I assured. Though, he always knew what he was doing and was able to get out of a bad situation.

"You're not gonna get hurt, I promise," Devin said. I pondered this for a while, but I guess I could live a little I mean, Devin lived up to his promises. If I wasn't going to get hurt, he made sure I didn't. I nodded and gathered up the rocks. I tried my best to skip the rocks, but it's harder than it looks. Devin made it look so easy! Rock after rock went by, but no hit. Suddenly, I took out a smooth looking pebble and skipped it as hard as I could, maybe too hard.

The pebble bounced roughly onto through the water and took a direct hit to the hornet's nest. The nest rocked and dipped into the water, alerting the pissed off hornets. "OH SHIT!" both Devin and I yelped. We dropped all the other pebbles and began sprinting into the forest as hornets began to follow us. However, I couldn't help but laugh at our stupidity. Devin was laughing as well, his hand interlocked with mine. We were able to escape the hornets, but little did we know...we were being watched.

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