Chapter two

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Tris's prospective

Me and Christina walk into the classroom on time and we sit together as class starts. After about ten minutes Four walks into class and sits with Zeke.

" Well it's about time that you came to class Mr. Four." Ms. Wu says then starts to pass out work sheets to the class. Not even a second latter Zeke and Four break out into laugher.

" Four go witch sets with Christina!" Ms. Wu says.

"Nah, I'm good right here." Four counters. Ms. Wu walks over to Four's desk and slams her ruler against his desk.

"You have two options. You can switch sets with Christina or sit in principle Eaton's office. So what will it be Mr. Four?" Ms. Wu says

" I'll switch" Four says.

"Wonderful!" Ms. Wu said. I felt like she would start doing a victory dance, but I had bigger problems on my mind and that problem had a name, and it was Four.

A minute after Ms. Wu explained the assignment I looked at Four. He was good looking, but he was up to no good. He was charming, but awfully rude from what I've hear from Caleb. He turned his head in the direction of mine and looked at me with those big vibrant blue.

" what in the world are you looking at Prior?" He scoffed.

It took me a minute to come up with something " nothing." I sighed

"Please tell me, I'm not the only one bored to death here." Four said as he cracked his bruised knuckles.

"You're not" I sigh. 'He's is so cute, but he's so bad after all ' I kept thinking to myself. At that one second my life would never be the same again because, I have a crush on Four.

" So are you free tonight?" He smiled at me then quickly add: " Because their's a party at my house."

" I am" I return his smile. Maybe I don't hate Four, he seems nice and I also never gave him a chance. So why don't I now? And what's the harm in having a little fun?

The bell rings and it's time for lunch and Four takes me by the arm and leads me into an empty hallway. He checks to see if anyone followed us witch no one did.

He smirks "So..." He says. I stand on the balls of my feet and squeeze my hands nervously together.

" You don't need to be so scared of me, Tris."

" I'm not scared of you. Why are you now after all the years we have been in the same class you never talked to me but the last year of high school you start talking to me. Why?"

He shrugs " Tris, I'm nothing like what your brother has told you about me. Let's just say Caleb and I hate each other, and he said that if I am even next you in a class he'll kill me, but now I don't give a damn what he says."

"Wait a second, so your telling me that you've listened to Caleb and never talked to me?"

"Yep" He smiles " I'll pick you up at six" he said as he start to walk to the cafeteria.
"But you don't know my address!" I call after him.

"27 maypole street, and wear something cute!" He called to me, then the both of us laughed. He walked into the cafeteria as I put my books in my looker and grabbed my lunch money.

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