Chapter three

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Tris's Prospective

I walk into the cafeteria and sit next to Marleen and Chris and stare at my hamburger.

"Something bothering ya?" Will asks with his mouth full of hamburger.
"More importantly what happened with you and Four?" Christina asks. Caleb walks over and puts his arms around me. I look over to Four's table and stare at him.

"Hey sis what in the world are you look at Four for?" Caleb asks with a confused look on his face.

"Nothing" I answer quickly.

"Good cuz he's nothing but trouble right?" Caleb says as I ignore the question. I prop my head up on my hand and start to eat my burger.

"Tris, do you have a crush on him?!" Marleen teases and everyone laughs except for Caleb and myself.

"Well do you?" Caleb asks.

"No!" I say as I playfully punch Caleb's arm.

"Good." he says as he nods then walks off to his table. I don't understand how Caleb hates Four, he seems so nice and he is so attractive. I look over at him and this time he catches me.

I mouth ' can I bring them to the party?' He smiles and nods then mouths ' what did your brother ask?'. ' how my first day of school was going and other boring stuff like that.' I put one hand hand to my forehead like I am in distress. Four laughs a little then smiles and so do I.

"So do you guys want to go to a party tonight?" I ask.

"Who's?" Al asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Four's. He invited me and said I could bring you guys with, so are you in or what?"

"Wait is that what happened in the hall?" Marlene asks and I nod in response.

"So are you in or what?" I ask as I slip my hair back. Everyone is starring at me, why are they?

"What are you guys looking at?" They keep staring at me like mindless Drones. Then I hear a smirk coming from behind me. I should have known that they weren't staring at me. I turn around to see Peter, Drew and Molly. Have no fear, the morons squad is here!

"Stiff! " Peter barks at me. "What makes you think that you're cool enough to go to Four's party tonight uh?" Peter says and his little posse crosses their arms as Peter raises his eyebrow at me.

"Because I invited Tris and her friends, and they are way cooler then you and your little posse now get your ass out of here before I kick it out of here." Four says then smirks. Peter and his little posse follow Four's orders and leave.

Why is he defending us, and more importantly me? Why isn't he acting the way he was last year. What happened to him? And why does he seem to care about me?

We all look at Four in shock that he defended us.

"What?!?" Four says confusedly.

" You just defended us, why would you do that?" I say.

He rolls his eyes "Because I felt like it" He gives me a small flash of a smile and leaves.

"So we'll meet at the party, okay Tris?" Will says

"Okay." I say still puzzled over what Four had just said to me. I tried sort everything out but all too soon the bell rang, and that meant class.

*Fast foreword to the last class of the day*

I pull out my schedule from my back pocket and read it. I smiled, I have dance. I love dance, it's one of my favorite classes. I walk to the ball room and see Ms. Rayes.

"Tris! Thank goodness." She hugs me and I happily return the jester. Ms. Rayes has been my dance teacher since my first year and was like a second mother to me.

The rest of the class starts to trickle in, and then I see him. Four alone with out Zeke or Uriah, and this was a second time that happened today.

" Okay class welcome back, for those of you that don't know me I'm Ms. Rayes, and I'll be your dance teacher this year. I have project for you all, I have already made the parters and pick out your songs, so all you have to do is make up a dance routine that you will have to preform in front of the class in two months time. So let's get onto the partners! Tris and Four you will be dancing to 'Thinking out loud'."

After Ms.Rayes finished telling us who our partners where class was over. Four walked over to me.

" So I'll be at your house at six, okay?" He said.
"Okay, and thanks"
"For what?" He said confusedly.
" For inviting me and the group to your party and saving our butts from Peter and his posse."
" It's no problem Tris, really it is." he says as he slings his arm around my shoulders and whispers in my ear
"I'm happy I have you as my dance partner and you look amazing today." Now that made me blushes a bright red.
" I got to go, I'll see you latter and FYI you're adorable when you blush." And with that he walked out of the classroom.

I walked to my locker and packed up my books and laptop. I slung my book bag over my shoulders and headed to my car. I opened the door, slid my bag into the passenger seat and drove off to my house.

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