Chapter 4 - The Flight

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Juliette Leclaire's POV

I lugged my luggage down the stairwell with much struggle and cursed at him as I watched Rogan sat on the couch at the lobby, with his legs crossed, shaking his leg, while enjoying his glass of martini in his hand. He had his fancy shades on and was in his banana print shirt and khaki shorts. He was totally indulging in a festive mood that he couldn't even be gentlemen enough to help me out with my luggage.

He never fails to prove that I was right about him being a complete asshole.

I couldn't help but stomp my way down the stairs whenever my blood boils at the sight of him and that is when I finally caught his attention. He lowered his shades and peered at me, before he whistled and commanded me, "Hurry up, we ain't got the whole day to spare."

Yes, that's Rogan Morgan. A playboy who knows nothing except for squandering his family asset. Notorious for having his scandalous image splashed all over tabloids magazine with countless hot models and whatnot in several getaway destinations for the past five years, while Romeo sloughed his ass out for the family business. If Romeo was heaven, Rogan is truly the definition of what hell is.

Thank god he slept throughout our chauffeured car ride to London's airport like a dead log, I wouldn't even know if I would survive the ride if he didn't sleep. I wrecked through my brain during the entire car ride, thinking about what I should do with my life, at least for now. I was desperate for a solution, but nothing concrete surfaced despite pushing myself to think hard. There were just too many thoughts whirling in my head.

Where's Romeo? Where's Julius? What exactly happened? Why did they leave?

Somehow time flies when you needed time. We reached London airport in no time. The chauffeur went out of the car to unload our luggage from the boot.

I exhaled heavily before I nudged Rogan, "We're here, wake up."

There was still no response from him, he continued to sleep soundly with his mouth unglamorously gaped.

What a sickening sight.

"Wake up! We're at the airport already!" I shouted into his ear and continued to nudge him even harder.

There was still no response.

Oh my god... did he passed out?! Must be the Martini, what kind of fool would have that in the morning!

"Hey! Hey! Wake up!" I started to pat his face repeatedly to get him to respond to me.There was still no response! I know I hate him, but it still sets me up in a panic to learn that a man is dying right in front of me.

I crossed my leg across his thighs and was ready to commence CPR if his pulse or breathing is absent.

I leaned my head over to his face to feel for his breathing. Then out of nowhere, a loud voice jolted right through my ear, "Gotcha!"

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