Chapter 5 - Five Years Ago (1) Morgan's Enterprise

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Hi Readers,

Please do not skip the following chapters as these are crucial information to know for the development of the story in the later part.

*5 years ago*

Juliette Leclaire's POV

"Juliette, don't forget how hard it took for your father to get you into Morgan, make sure you get a good internship position under Rogan and get as close as possible to him," My mother nagged at me over the phone over the same instruction since last night.

This was the last thing I will ever need as I braced through the windy chills of the autumn while trying to balance myself on these god-forsaken stiletto heels that I have completely no experience in taming them.

"Mum! Seriously! For the nth time, I'm telling you, I'm just here to learn things as an intern, I'm not here for gold-digging!" I snapped back at my Mum annoyingly and hung up on her.

I can't believe how hard my mother was digging at the Morgan, and the thought of her wanting to "sell" myself for the Morgan was just infuriating. If they hadn't snitched behind my back on my internship placement, I would have long protested them from doing so.

I checked the time on my watch, and recomposed myself, "Ok, I'm sure a hot cup of beverage would help."

While my vision darted for a cafe, I saw a frail elderly beggar shivering in the cold by the street. I thought to myself the chill must be unbearable for her, so perhaps the least I could do is to buy her a cup of hot beverage.

I entered a cafe nearby and made an order for both of us. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, someone bumped into me from my back while I was waiting in line for my coffee and that nearly made me fell over my heels. I turned around, feeling thoroughly annoyed at the rudeness of this lady who just cut into the line. But before I could even give this lady a piece of mind, she was already wailing and blowing her nose at the man who queued behind me, "How could you leave me just like this?! I really love you, why won't you just give me a chance?!" I cringed at how her face was smeared with drips of mascara stains as she wiped her tears and snorts with her bare hands, she looked like an absurd mess.

The man appeared defenceless and obviously embarrassed as he backed up from the woman, "Miss, please... could you please watch your volume."

I wasn't surprised by what was happening, after all, a suave looking man like him falls no short of such drama.

He then rolled his eyes in exasperation and turned around to leave, but the woman was relentless, she grabbed onto him from behind and continued to wail, "No! Please! I'm carrying your child, you can't do that to me!"

Seriously?! No woman should be treated this way, and no man should ever do this to a woman!!
A look of disdain from everyone swept across the entire cafe as they narrowed their judging eyes onto him and the tussle that was still ongoing between the both of them. So did I.

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