Chapter 8 - 5 Years Ago (4) Moment of Truth

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Romeo Morgan's POV

*Morgan's Mansion*

"Seems like the rain isn't going to back down any sooner," I thought to myself as I looked out of the window by the walkway. The stormy weather of relentless heavy downpour coupled with strong winds was sending branches of trees surrounding the mansion tapping onto the structure. Gloominess seemed to pour into every inch of the mansion despite the lights that were lit up down the walkway.

As I made my way back to my room, I noticed the door to my father's study room was left opened ajar. It was unusual of him to leave it open, after all, he has always been a man of cautious. Besides, the draft of chilly cold wind setting into the mansion would probably do no good to his health, his detrimental health accumulated from his long years of toll from building the Morgan's enterprise.

I knocked on the door gently and called out as I pushed the door slightly open, "Father?"

My father, Theodore Morgan, seemed to have been woken up abruptly by me as he shot his fatigue eyes opened and cleared his throat, "Ah... you're here, come on in."

I tried to switch on the lights as the room was dark, but it was still to no avail.

"Leave it, Barker said the lights got killed from the lightning strike earlier on," My father said.Even though it was dark, but it was still enough for me to figure out what was in the room so I approached him with cautious as I tread my way towards him.

"Yes, son, come over here," He cued me over to the couch and then he sat down across to me as he broke into a wide smile, "I heard about the new record high profits that you have achieved for Morgan this term, well done son, I'm really proud of you."

Proud of me?

I was taken aback for a moment because he has never ever praised me, not in my lifetime at least. But the sudden drop of dew to the prolonged "drought situation" definitely came as a pleasant surprise to me. I reclaimed my composure from the jolt of long due affirmation, "Thank you, Father, I was just doing my job."

It was always a relief for me to see him freed from the heaviness of his worrisome brood, even if it was for a moment.

"Wait a minute, Rogan, is that you?" My father suddenly jolts up from his seat a little as he squinted his eyes hard.

Rogan? Is this what all this is about? Was that praise for Rogan and not for me?

The sudden realisation of my father mistaking me for Rogan was a slap in my face.

A wave of frustration claimed over me as I swallowed a lump down my throat and decided to take on Rogan's role for once in my life. "Yes, that's me." I deepened my voice as I reclined into the darkness to conceal me.

Then he snickered, "Age must be catching up on me, can't really tell both of you apart lately, especially with this weakened sight of mine. But regardless of how muddled headed, I can get at this age, you two are still different."

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