Plans and Pain

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I was sitting on the floor of my dorm room, thinking about what to do about the situation with Kaachan and Todoroki-kun. I suddenly got an idea, and I ran to find Kirishima. He was in the kitchen and I was about to tell him the plan, but Kaachan was talking to him. "Hey Kaachan, do you mind if I borrow Kiri for a second?" I asked innocently. "What the hell do you want with him?" Kaachan replied, looking suspicious and annoyed. "It's fine Bakubro, I'll be right back" Kiri said, saving me from having to lie to Kaachan.

I led him to my room, and I locked the door behind us. "Woah, Midoriya, why are you locking the door?" Kiri asked me, looking kind of nervous and blushing. "I need your help to make Kaachan jealous." I replied, a little embarrassed about how fast Kiri's mind went in that direction. "Oh, how do I do that?" He replied, looking more embarrassed. "So here's the plan..."


I was kinda worried when Deku took Kiri away, since I knew that Kiri liked him. But, though I didn't tell anyone, I kinda liked Deku and didn't want him to be with anyone but me. They had been gone for awhile now, and I was getting a little scared, but I made sure to look annoyed in case anyone walks in. Just then, I heard people walking down the stairs and talking. "Haha, I hope Bakuhoe isn't down there, I reaaallllyyyyy want to spend some more time alone with you." Wait a damn minute, that's my Deku. "Awweee, babe I wanna spend some time with you too." Kirishima.

FUCK I thought, as I felt tears threatening to spill. I ran outside, and kept running until I felt like my legs were gonna fall off, then I ran some more. I was in the middle of the woods, so I decided I was far enough away from everyone to let out my emotions. 

"FUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!" I screamed, and started to cry. Like, a lot of crying. After a few minutes, I heard a stick breaking behind me. "Are you ok?" A voice asked, and I jumped away, wiping my face. "Bakugo?" It was Icyhot. Fuck. "What the hell do you want?" I asked angerly, trying not to cry again. "I heard you scream, and I thought I would make sure you're ok.." he replied softly. "I'm fine, now leave me alone." I said, but my voice was shaking. He sighed and sat down, motioning for me to join him. "I won't tell anyone what you say or do during the next hour, if you would like." He said. "Promise?" I asked, since I needed to vent anyway. "Promise." he replied. I walked over and sat down next to him. "I... kinda... like... Deku" I said after a few seconds. Icyhot hummed in response, and I continued.

"I like that damn Deku, and today he walked down the stairs with Kiri, and I overheard them talking.... Deku, he-" I choked on my tears, "he said I was a damn HOE and it sounded to me like he was pretty close to Kiri. I would've passed it off as him being nice, but the way he said it- I've never heard him use that tone before. And I know that Kiri likes him too, and-" I choked again. It was too much. I couldn't breathe. I just hugged Icyhot, burying my head into his neck, and continued to cry. I didn't care what he thought at that moment, I just really needed to get this out.

"He's.. with... Kirishima..." Icyhot said, anger evident in his voice. I couldn't speak, so I just nodded. He released a slow growl, and I could feel him getting colder. I sat back and asked "Are- Are you ok? You're freezing."  


I could faintly hear Bakugo say something, but I couldn't hear him over my own thoughts. I was ok with Bakugo liking Midoriya, but Midoriya was dating KIRISHIMA. No, Izuku was MINE. I felt my left side heat up, and my right side got cold. "We... must.. break.. them... up..." I growled through clenched teeth. I didn't care how we did it, we could kill Kirishima for all I cared, just as long as I could have my Izuku. "I know, but please calm down, you're going to catch a tree on fire." Bakugo replied. Then I felt it. My entire left side was on fire, and my entire right side was encased in ice. I got rid of most of it, but there was still a little flames and ice. "Hey, Icyhot... I know this is a surprise, but please calm down." I stared at him coldly. I thought he said he liked Izuku, so why isn't he angry? 

He hugged me, but I paid no attention to him. I was plotting how to separate Izuku from the other bastard... "Hey, are you ok? You're pretty quiet." he asked, and the vibration tickled my neck. "Nobody plots a murder out loud." I replied calmly, and he laughed. It wasn't an angry laugh or anything though, it sounded like he was happy.

It was kind of... beautiful. To be completely honest, I liked him to and he was the only person in the world that I would share my Izuku with. He finally caught his breath and said "And people say I'm the psychopath" before hugging me again. When did he stop hugging me? I thought, but then decided to just ignore it and hug him back. "I was only joking, but I do have a plan..." I replied smirking. It was a plan to make Izuku jealous and make Bakugo like him at the same time..

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