𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

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Jisung groaned as he slowly woke up, his head pounding with pain; not to mention his right arm hurt horribly. He sat up, realizing that he had slept on Chan's floor that night. The blinds filtered out what looked like to be the afternoon sun, the rest of his body aching as well. He dragged himself up to standing and looked around, only seeing Chan and Felix cuddled up on the couch.

He figured Jeongin and Hyunjin went to the cafe as he slowly walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of water and greedily chugged it down, realizing how thirsty he was from the alcohol he had last night. All he remembers was the first drink and a half along with a few silly dares, the rest he couldn't recall. He finished the rest of the water and pulled his phone out. 

12:34 the clock read, Jisung choking on the water in his mouth. He had never woke up this late. He pulled himself to the bathroom, turning on the bright light. He stared at his horrendous appearance, his hair every which way. He turned the water on, splashing himself with the freezing liquid. He stared at himself, watching the water drip from his face. He felt like a complete idiot for agreeing to drink. That's when he spotted the bandage on his right arm.

He looked at it curiously, pulling up the rest of his sleeve. A tight white bandage was wrapped around his around, the ends fraying just ever so slightly. Cautiously he found the tape holding it together and pulled it off. 

"WHAT THE FUCK-" he screeched out as he saw the tattoo. 'Property of Lee Minho' as tattooed in curvy, ink black letters. How could he have let this happened, he just felt even more stupid. He needed answers and fast, thankfully Chan had rushed to the door way; Felix clinging on to him.

"What's wrong-" Chan started to ask but his eyes went wide at the sight of the tattoo. "Holy ever loving shit what did Minho give you?" He asked as he went over to grab Jisung's arm to look at the tattoo closer. 

"I HAVE MULTIPLE QUESTIONS CHAN," Jisung screamed out in a panicked voice. Felix Just whined at the loudness, clinging more to Chan. The eldest just  sighed, looking at the two of them.

"I'll get the coffee ready," he said, walking out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. He started the coffee grinder as he put his one arm around Felix, pinning him to his hips as he walked to the couch. He set the younger down next to a frazzled Jisung, Felix groaning as he rubbed his eyes. Chan quickly poured two mugs, taking them over and handing one of Jisung. A pulled a still sleepy Felix on to his lap and slipped his coffee.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Jisung asked simply. Chan sighed, hoisting Felix farther on to his lap.

"Well what do you remember?" Chan questioned.

"The first drink and a half, along with some of the stupid dares. After that nothing," Jisung explained.

"Well after that you had another drink, three in total. We should have stopped you after the second one but none of us were in the right state of mind. I'm honestly surprised you didn't throw up. Well then Hyunjin asked you truth or dare and you said dare. He dared you to get a tattoo and you enthusiastically obliged. So we walked over to the tattoo parlor we usually go to. When we got their, Hyunjin had immediately rushed over to Seungmin and started flirting with him so he was too busy to pay attention. Jeongin rushed over to Seungmin to go get his garlic bread before we could stop him. Jeongin told Seungmin all about the tattoo and Seungmin called for Changbin or Minho to do it since he would be dealing with Jeongin. Changbin screamed for him to fuck off since he was busy writing so Minho came to do it. I would have watched him do it, but the alcohol had really hit Felix. So pretty much we just left Minho to give you the tattoo. I don't know what happened back there but you came out an hour later tearful but in a good mood. Jeongin had fallen asleep on Seungmin's counter lap and Hyunjin payed for it then we left. When we got back to the apartment you ranted for how hot Minho was and how good he smelt for an hour then passed out on our floor," Chan explained, occasionally sipping his coffee. 

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨- 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now