𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕: 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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"Jisung you've get everything right?" Minho asked, looking through his suitcase once more before closing it. Jisung looked up, biting his lower lip and looking back down.

"I think I've got everything...wait...yeah everything," Jisung said with a reassuring nod then closing it. He gave a small yawn, looking outside at the darkness. "How long is it going to take us to get there?" He asked in a tired voice.

"Well it's 4am right now...we should be there around noonish. But my parents won't home till later because of work so we'll have about five hours to ourselves and I can show you around where I used to live," Minho explained as he grabbed the suitcase and his backpack. "You'll be able to sleep in the car," Minho added, going over and tilting his chin up.

"Will we get food when we get there right?" Jisung asked in a sleepy voice.

"Of course. There's a really nice diner next to the inn my parents own. I'm gonna make myself some coffee and then we will get going. Make sure you have everything one more time," Minho said before walking out of the dark room.

Jisung looked through the draw string bag he had, making sure everything he needed was in there. "Phone... Phone charger... condom... lube... ear buds... Minho's present..." he mumbled to himself, rustling through the bag to find everything. He touched his neck, making sure his necklace was still there.

He put it on his back and grabbed his suitcase, rolling it with him as he went out of the room. Minho was finishing up getting his coffee cup together, running a hand through his soft hair and yawning. "You sure you don't want to leave earlier?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah I'm sure. I've done this drive plenty of times with no sleep at all," Minho said with a smile and then taking a drink of his hot coffee which he immediately regret.

"Ok, I got everything," Jisung said. Minho blew  out a hot breath, closing the lid.

"Let's go then," Minho said as he got his bad and made his way to the door. They put their shoes on and left the building, going out into the dark, cool morning.

They put their suitcases into the trunk and then got in, Jisung yawning as he sat back against the seat. "Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah I guess I am. I haven't seen my parents in a couple of months and I'm excited for you to meet them. They are really going to like you," Minho said as he began to drive out of the parking lot. Jisung looked at him, giving a small smile before putting his head back down.

"I'm excited to meet them too," he replied in a sleepy voice.

"Oh hey, kitten before you sleep I need you to get something from my bag. It's in the front, small pocket," Minho said. Jisung looked to the back seat and grabbed the bag, unzipping the pocket and taking out a folded piece of paper.

"This?" He asked, holding it out for the older to see.

"Yeah that. Open it," Minho instructed. Jisung unfolded it, finding the old list that was his rules but practically all of them were crossed off in a thick, dark marker; the only ones left retaining to sex. He gave him a confused look, Minho glancing at him and then back at the road. "I realized some of them were really controlling and toxic so they don't exist anymore. I'm sorry for being like that in the past, I thought if I could keep you under control you wouldn't end up like JinHwi. I hadn't trusted you enough by now I do, and I know you are the polar opposite of that shit bag," Minho explained.

"I guess I hadn't realized they were toxic," Jisung murmured, putting the paper back and then setting the bag on the back seat.

"Well now you know," Minho said, taking a sip of his coffee. Jisung leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek, the older immediately blushing and tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

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