chapter one

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Gideon gleeful pov
I have been on a bus with my older cousin for eight hours. My head has been throbbing. I have rubbing his forehead. "Just two more" I mumbled to myself. Pacifica was to buzy jumping around showing off her new purse for the twentieth time to rest of the passengers. She was the definition of typical teenage girl, who loved eighties fashion. Her jacket had a llama on the back. She wore it everywhere. I groaned when I realized she was heading back to our seats. She stood looking puzzled at me.

"What?" I asked getting annoyed at her. She sighed and grabbed her chicken plushie.

"Gideon, it's our stop. How long have you been out, shortie" she answered. She grabbed our suitcases and bags from the bus shelves. "Now get up. I am not carrying all our stuff by myself". I stood up. Grabbing my suitcase and bag from her hands. We both slowly got off the bus. We waved goodbye to passengers and bus driver.

Final after five years of not seeing my dad I will be able to see him again. The problem is I had to bring miss glitter is food with me. My summer with my dad is ruined. Speaking of which. Where is he?

"Hey coz, where is your dad? Wasn't he suppose to be here by now?" Pacifica asked as she looked around looking for a sign of my dad. Pacifica started to walk off to search for him. But I stopped her.

"Pacifica, let's us stag put until my dad gets here". We both sat down on a bench. We waited for two hours. Which that meant i was stuck listening to Pacifica sing to the eighties top fifty. When final a white van in front of us. The window pulled down to reveal a young man. He smiled at us and waved. This man was suspicious.

"You guys, must be gideon and Pacifica. Bud has told so much about you guys. He apologizes for not coming to get you guys. But the pine girl drove her new Porsche into a pole today. It had to be towed and repaired. That's why he couldn't come get you. He lost track of time. So he sent me and Thompson to get yall". The van doors opened. "Get in. If dont believe me. Here look at this". The young man handed me a letter. It had his fathers handwriting detailing something the young man told them. Me and Pacifica with our suitcases and bags got in the van.

The ride was mostly Pacifica gushing over robbie. She making sure she told him all about herself. Robbie and thompson laughing at her excitment. I wa as bored. We final got to fathers car shop. I jumped out with bags and suitcases. Rushing to find my father. I found him in the garage. He was messing with the hood of a badly damage Porsche. "Father" I let slip out. He turned to me and smiled.

"Hello gideon come give this old man a hug". He put down the roof and opened his arms to me. I dropped my stuff and jumped into my fathers arms. We hugged for a eternity. Until I heard a click.

"That is total going into my scrapbook" Pacifica announced. I glared at her. "Delate it" I whispered towards her. She only nodded her head no. She walked towards us. And hugged both of us "missed you uncle bud. Gideon is no fun". I pinched her for that comment. He just laughed. "I missed you both so much". We stayed like that for couple seconds. Until dad let us go. "I have to get back to work. You both can go play in the back woods". We both nodded at him. "But first put those bags in your rooms.

My fathers house was just across the street from the shop. Deuce let us in the house. He led us each to our separate rooms. I dropped my suitcase and bags on my bed. I can unpack later. I thought I was gonna have some quite time to myself. But nope Pacifica barged into my room. She dragged me out of the room. Down the stairs. And out of the house. All way to the forest behind the shop.

Pacifica finally let go of me. She started to pranced on around in the forest. She was swooning over robbie. I covered my ears as I followed her. I learned over the years to never tell a teenage girl, their crush is ridiculous or illegal. They get mean. We got deeper into forest. My feet were getting tired from the walking I was about tell her. We need to head back. Only to watch clumsy cousin trip over a tree root and smack her face into a tree. The sound impact sounded like a clank. Pacifica slide to the ground. She held her forehead. She was crying crocodile tears.

"Owie, that hurts. Owie. Owie". I ignored her. I walked to the tree and started to bang on it. This wasn't a tree. Why was there a fake tree in the forest? It sounded hollow. I went around tree until I found a door with a latch. I opened the door. Inside the tree was a book with three on the cover. I pulled out the dusty book. I opened the book up. The book stated that magical life existed in reverse falls. The author of the book hide it away from someone or something. I walked back to Pacifica. Her forehead now has a bruise. Her eyes twinkled when she spotted the book.

"What do you got, coz?" She asked making grabbing motions for the book. I nod no to her.

"It seems to be someone journal. Its filled with warnings and information about magical creatures" I explained. As she got to her feet. She tried to take the journal from me but I tripped her. Causing her to land on her face.

"That's mean, coz" she whined, as she rubbed her bruised forehead and now sore nose. I glared at her. But before I could speak. A young boys voice called for us. We turned to the direction of the voice. Only to see a small pretty boy.

"You two must be Pacifica and gideon. Bud told me all about you guys. I was just heading there to meet you guys". He walked towards us. When he was right in front of us. He curtsy to us. "I am Dipper Pines. My family is the founders of this town. I am one half of the twins of tempathy. My grunkle Stan owns all the tourist attractions surruonding reverse falls. I will be turning seventeen this August with my twin sister". He lifted his head. On his forehead was a little dipper birthmark. How did I not notice it before? He smiled dropped when he noticed the journal.

"If I was you I would keep that hidden because there are very powerful people. Who will stop at nothing to get it". He stood straight. His warning was clear. "My sister has the second journal".

"But didn y-". I tried to ask but Pacifica shoved me. "You are being rude Gideon. Come have dinner with us". Dipper smiled and giggled.

We got back to the house. Deuce lectured us for running off without saying anything to him. He hugged Dipper when he noticed the boy. Father seemed please to have Dipper over for dinner. Later when Dipper ride arrived. He gave us his contact information to hang out later or if we need help.

I went to my room. Read the the contents of journal. It warned me not to trust anyone. But I dont think thats true. Because I will always trust my clumsy cousin. And I will surely come to trust dipper.

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