chapter 10

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Pacifica P.O.V
A few days have passed since the blind eye incident. Ford came to us. He warned us of a event that is suppose to transpire.

The computer has a clock counting down to when the event is suppose to happen. We only have twelve hours to a event. We do not know what event is suppose to happen.

The passed few days. There been earthquakes. Radom times day you float in the air. Reports of barrels of toxic waste being stolen from a government facility. The magical creature and regular wild creature going berserk in the woods. What is going on?

We searched for clues. But could not find anything. We did learn the Pine family had alot of dark history but that doesn't surprise us. Wait, maybe it does involve Pine family. One was involved with author. We looked more into the stan twins.

We found fake IDS and passports. But that is not surprise either. No the surprise was contracts with a person named fiddleford hardon mcgucket. Dipper didnt know anything about this man. Expect he was missing. We looked more information about him. He worked with Ford to make the attractions. Ford would help with his research. This guy must be the author? What happened to him?

We found blueprint for the attractions and rides. Then we found blueprints for a machine. It looked for familier. But something was off. This was probably old draft. That was change for a new one. I think Gideon figured it out. "Cuz, are you gonna tell us". I spoke to him.

"This is the original copy of the draft in the journal". Me and dipper were confused. Gideon sighed and pulled the jornal. He flipped to a page. He shoved the book in my arms and pointed to the page. Now i saw it. Author feared the creation of the portal. Remade the draft and placed it in the book. But this is only part of it. "Where is the rest?" I asked Gideon. He smiled and answered.

"The rest is the other books. That is why the author hide the books. So no one would create the portal. If they don't have all jornal they be out of luck. Even if they had the old drafts. The old drafts are useless. He was brilliant. but what had happen to him?" The question was heavy in the air. We know ford doesn't know. So who does know? And did we want to know?

Call me maybe went off. That was my phone. I pulled out my phone. I have call from robbie. I answered it. "Where are you guys? Get back here now. Bud just got arrested by government operatives". I gasped and hanged my phone. I told them what robbie told me. Gideon rushed out the room. We quickly followed him.

We arrive to the shop. Government operatives were waiting for us. They put handcuffs on us. And shoved us into the back of their vans. We sat quietly in the back. They were taking us somewhere. I didnt want to know. I heard dipper mumbling. I didnt catch it.

Soon the van started to shake. Then it  sway on its left little to far. And flipped over. We screamed expect for dipper. The door was ripped from its hinges. There stood Will in all his glory. He helped us each out of the van expect the unconscious operatives.

"Now get back to the your house and stop that portal now". With a snap of his fingers. We appeared in uncle buds house. What is gonna on? My uncle is the one making the portal. "What is gonna on?" I asked the two boys. Neither of them knew. Gideon was freaking out about his dad. I tried to calm him but it didnt work.

I guess we need the passage to the portal. We looked everywhere. But we couldn't find a secret passage. Then is dawnd on me the vending machine. Why would there be a vending machine in a house. I went to it. Now I need a passcode. I thought for a bit. What code would my uncle use or the author use. I got it. I typed AB1C3. It worked, the vending machine opened up to reveal a passage way.

We went down the stairs. They led us to a secret lab underneath the house. The next room had the portal. Oh crackers, this is bad. The portal was on and working. What are we gonna do. We heard sounds coming from behind us. We hid behind some boxes. Out came Bud and Stan.

What the glitter is gonna on. We listen to them. Bud was thanking Stan for freeing him. And then they started talking about the portal. In a few moments it will be ready to use. Gideon was fuming. He was anger to point he was shaking. Me and Dipper sat away from him. He stood up. The ruckus alerted men to us. They turnd to us.

"How could you, dad. What are you doing? Do you the damage this might do? Or what it has caused?" Gideon yelled at his father. Bud treid to explain himself. But Gideon interrupted his dad. "Pacifica turn it off. Go push the button". I walked over to the button.

"Please honey do not push the button". Uncle bud begged me. "Please sweetheart for me". I wanted to listen my uncle but I also wanted to listen to my cousin. "I said do it, Pacifica". Then the ground started to shake. Then we started to float. I grabbed the pole for the button. The others left the ground. The others and stuff in the air. They were flying about in the air. Then they were slammed into the wall and kept in place by metal junk.

Gideon pleading for me to stop the machine. Uncle Bud and Stan begging me to not to push the button. I couldnt decide. "Do what your heart is telling you, Pacifica". Dipper said as he struggled to get free. What my heart is telling me? What does that mean? I looked to my uncle. I saw it in his eyes. "Please honey don't do this". I knew what i needed to do. I let go of the pole. I floated into the air. As the clock counted from ten.

When it hit one. A man walked from out of the portal. Then the portal turned off. Taking all power with it. We were dropped on our butts. The man came over and helped me up. The man looked like Mcgucket. "Are you the author of journals?" I asked the man. He nodded his head yes. He went and helped everyone up and check them over. Then he slapped both Uncle Bud and Stan over the heads.

"Do you know what you could've caused?". He lectured the two men as we stood dazed. This was the author. He had lean muscles. He wore broken glasses and dirty torn clothes. I like him. When he was done with the two men. He turnd to us "hello children, I am Fiddleford hadon Mcgucket. I was the one to write the journals". This is so cool.

He explained he worked for Pine family for years. It paid for his family and his research. Then he and ford created the portal. The demon that had been helping them. Kept warning them about the dangers of the journal. Even tried to stop them at the end. So they ended their contract with the demon.

Things went bad when ford went through portal. He wasn't the same anymore. He wanted to stop working on the portal. But Mcgucket didn't want to stop working on it. So ford quit. Stan and Bud came to me a few days later. They wanted know why Ford been acting insane. He had lost his mind.

Mcgucket told them why and that ford quit. That caused a fight between three men. At the time Mcgucket was running one last test. He also already hide the journals. Each of them with peice of the blueprint. The arguing turned into a fist fight. Stan had shoved Mcgucket by accident into the portal. The portsl closed and broke down.

Stan finish the story. The two agreed never to deal with it. They decided to leave Mcgucket in the portal. Not to risk anything. They also did not know how to fix the portal. So they went on with their lives. Bud moved away and met Gideons mom. Then years went by. The two men were swallowd by their quilt for their friend and what they did.

Gideons mom and Bud divorced. She got everything. So Bud without his son moved back to his home town. There he meet Stan again. They found the first journal. They decided to find the rest. We found the other two. Dipper and Mabel found the second one. Me and Gideon found the third one.

The men sneaked the journal from us. They took pictures of the blueprints. And gave back the journals without us knowing. They wanted to free their friend. Awe that is sweet. We decided to go upstairs. To clean up and rest. When we got upstairs. Will was waiting for us. He nodded to Mcgucket. The man nodded back to the demon. I guess Will was the demon that helped with portal. Will spoke "I took care of those operatives for you. So you don't have to worry about them. I didnt kill them. I just earsed their memories of the case and their evidence". We thanked him.

I think I am going to bed. I went to room. And crawled into my bed and closed my eyes. I let sleep take me away .

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