chapter two

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Pacifica POV
I spent the whole day watching the dreamy robbie. His hair is black as ravan. His skin as white as snow. His lips as red as blood he was my personal snow white. I will be his princess that will awake him from his slumber. But gideon had to wake me from my fantasy.

"Come on, bum. It's time for us to head for dippers show". Oh yea that was today. Me and Gideon got in Uncles car. And headed to the show. The tent of telepathy was on the outskirts of town. When we arrived. We had to get tickets first. Then we headed in. Gideon was criticizing every little detail. The LNG the show began. Dipper came from one side stage and a identical girl appeared from other side. She was a head taller then dipper. They stood on stage. The girl bowed to us and Dipper curtsy to us .

"We are the twins of telepathy". The girl stood in a seductive pose and blew kiss to the audience "I am Mabel Pines". Dipprt stood straight and waved cutely to the audience. "I am Dipper Pines".

They performed a magic hat trick. Then a chained dipper was submerged in a tank of water. He had free himself. For awhile he watch him struggle and banging on the glass. He was screaming for help. Then a poor smoke filled the tank. He appeared behind me. He was as wet and shaking. Before I could ask what was wrong. He had poofed back on stage. Right after that Mabel made the audience float in the air for a minute. Flying was so cool.

Then she tied dipper to chair his hand was tied to table. She cut her brothers  hand off. It look so cool and amazing. Dipper was crying and whimpering. Omg he such a great actor. 

"That was so fake" gideon whined. I wish he stop complaining. Or drooling all over Mabel. Mabel reattach Dippers hand to his wrist. Again, this show is so amazing. Dipper was release from his confine. He was rubbing his wrist. "Did he just rub his wrist" gideon mumbled. I shushed him. A rectangle box appeared from behind the curtain. When dipper saw the box he turned pale. Mabel though looked like the cat who eat the canary.

"My dear audience I need a volunteer". Me and few others raised our hands. Dipper spotted me. He shook his head no. Well that was rude. I thought I was your friend, dipper. Mablel spotted me and pointed at me. "Pacifca come up on stage". Did dipper tell her, my name? I went got up on stage with them. Dipper was shaking. But I ignored him. Mabel warped her arm around me.

"My dear, we are going to perform the sword box trick. Can you please get in the box for me, sweetie". God, she can call me sweetie any day of the week. Mable let me go and open the box for me. I got in. She shut the door. I couldn't hear a thing. Then I was being impaled by one sword at a time. My whole body was on fire. My vision was blurring. I was banging on the door. And screaming for help. One last stab I lost consciousness.

Gideon pov
I watch as Mable impale the box with different swords. It was a trick. It was all fake. But watching dipper. Each stab cause Dipper to whine for Mabel to stop. Dipper was sobbing at this point. He looked like was going faint. Boy was he good. Or was he that good. I watch at the box leaked red substance. It looked like blood. At the sight of the red substance dipper fainted. The audience and Mabel went still. Mabel sighed, she opened the box to reveal a horrid image of a impaled Pacifica. I wanted to puke. I rushed up onto stage. I tripped over dippers unconscious body. Mabel started to laugh.

"It looks real, doesn't it cutie. But sadly it's not real" She winked. She closed the door. With a snapped of her fingers. The box glowed. She reopened door to reveal a shaking Paifica. I first I thought she was upset. Until she smirked and jumped out of the box "that felt so real. I really thought I really deid or something". Mable paid no attention to Pacifica.  But she eyed me like I was her prey. It sent shivers down my spine.

The rest the show was canceled since dipper fainted. We didnt hear from him for a few days. Soon I got letter address to me from Mabel to meet with her. So I went without telling Pacifica.

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