chapter 8

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Pacifica POV

A few days ago. Gideon figured out by accident that if you took a black light to the journal it will reveal secret passages. One of these revealed a secret bunker under the tree we found the journal in.

Today we decided to investigate the bunker. Wendy and Robbie was joining us. We got to the tree. We found that the ledge to reveal the passage. Was high up and no way to get to it. Wendy used her climbing skills and a axe to pull on the lever. I dont know where she hid that axe at and I dont want to know. The passage was stairs that led to the bunker. The bunker only had typical rations for emergency. Nothing interesting.

Gideon soon found a hallway behind a poster of a naked lady. The lady looked almost like a younger version of Tate mcgucket mother. When she was a porn actress. Maybe it really a poster of her. I heard she fell into worse films and drugs when her huesband went missing. We slipped pass the poster into the hallway.

The hallway was filled with booby traps. Heh boobies, I like boobies. Not now myself. We almost got burnt alive. Almost by spears that poke from the ground. Stabbed by daggers that came from the walls. Almost drugged by poison gas. Who the hell built this bunker. They must be a sadist. The last trap was a room that was going crush us if we didnt push the right titles and in the right order. Dipper figured it out. He stated some of the titles looked like the symbols on Fords back.

We entered the observation room. The room was trashed. The video on the TV revealed a worm like creature was trapped in a cubicle. It escape but the video didnt show how it was able to escape. The worm creature destroyed everthing in the room. Then it broke down the door. Escaping from the room. Does that mean the creature is someone where in the bunker with us? Or did it escape to the outside of the bunker?

To check it out Wendy decided to split up. She would by herself. Dipper and me tougher. Robbie and Gideon tougher. Great plan Wendy it's not like we are in a real life horror movie.

Me and dipper went down until we got to the room the creature was original in. We almost lost our heads. When a axe came flying towards us. If that was Wendy trying to scare us. I am going kill her. In the room was like in the video expect for the empty cans of beans. The dust and comb webs that covered everthing.

Dipper found documents on the floor. The documents were yellow and sticky. Some of the documents were torn to far to able to be read. The documents stated the experiment and creation of the worm. The experiment were inhuman. Me and dipper were crying from how this creature was treated. The document stated that the creature could shape shift. Then something poked us on the shoulder. We jumped up and turned around. Wendy was laughing her head off.

"What got you adorable chickens freighted" she kissed us both on the cheeks. But we both step back. She looked us strange.

"Prove to us that you are the real Wendy. Because the creature we are looking for can shape shift" I stated to her. She nodded to us. She did a zip and disposable key gesture. Dipper rush to Wendy and gave her a kiss on the lips for a second. She hugged him around the waist. He hugged her around the neck.  "See it's the real me". I got to say this but their relationship is just weird. She turn to me. "Tell me about this thing". We told her everthing. "We need find Gideon and Robbie now".

We went sreaching for those two. We found them a older man. Robbie looked worried. And Gideon was stuck in his fanboy moment. What's going on? Who is this man? Gideon answered my questions before I could ask them out loud.

"This is the author of the journals" Gideon squealed. He was jumping around the older man. Robbie came over to us. And mumbled to us.

"I dont think that man is the author. He won't answer any of Gideon question about the journal. Or he won't state why he let the monster go free. Or why his been hiding here all this time". With this interformation. We couldn't help but agree with him. He also looked familiar. I whisper to other three.

"For now let's pretend we are falling for his ruse. Until figure out who he is. But I am pretty sure his, our monster". We told Robbie what we found about the monster. He also agrees with my theory that the man is the monster we are looking for. We let the man led us back to the room we found the documents in. He telling about his research on the creature that was trapped here. He make it seem that freed and it went on repage. Gideon was agreeing with the man. But the rest didnt believe him. The man was looking for something.

"I hid my journals. I dont remember were I hid them". That is so suspicious. I get that you are pretending to be a old man. But a old man that took time to hide the journals the way he did. Would not forget were he hid them. But I guess Gideon didnt think about that because he pulled out Journal 3. No Gideon dont .

"I have one of the journals". Before any of us get the journal the old man snatch it from Gideons grasp. He started to laugh.

"Thank you young man". The old man was slowly turning into it's true form. "Thank you very much". Shock and fear showed on Gideons face. "But even though you gave this to me. You still have to die". Before the monster could take swap at my baby cousin. Robbie ran in front of him and took the blow. He was sent flying. He smacked into wall. Laid on the ground. You could see the trail blood from where he bashed his head open against the wall. Wendy pulled out her axe charged at the creature. She pushed Gideon out of the way from another atteck by the creature. Blocking the atteck with her axe.

"Take Robbie and get out of here". Me and Dipper grabbed robbies unconscious body. Gideon followed behind. As we rushed out of the room. We kept running. Trying to avoid from shaking Robbie to much. And stepping on Bobby traps. Heh boobies, no not this again brain. We heard running behind us it was Wendy holding the journal. She covered in blood.

We got close to the exist. I stop and turned to Wendy. Letting go of Robbie. Causing him and dipper to fall to the ground on their faces. I heard dipper whimper. Gideon was giving me strange looks.

"Prove to us you are the real Wendy. Give us a sign". Both the boys understood. We cant be sure this is real Wendy. We might end up letting that monster out in the world.

Wendy just smiled and wink at us. So you are the monster. I grabbed the lead pipe on the bench in the bunker. And smack the fake Wendy in the head. The monster deformed and spit up blood. It started to laugh. Took a step close to me. And snatched the pipe out of my hands. I took a step back. The monster threw the journal behind him. He went to swing the pipe above my head. Then i watch as something came flying above him. And sliced him in half.

Behind him was Wendy. She kept chopping at the creature until he was nothing but tiny bits. She then pulled out a lighter from her pocket and then lit the sucker. She let it go. Setting the reforming creature to flames. Her axe dissappered from her left hand. Wendy picked up a laptop and the journal. "Let's get out of here". We ran out of the bunker. Wendy climbed up and locked the bunker back up.

Wendy handed the laptop and journal to Gideon. She took Robbie from me and Dipper. And put him over her shoulder. "I found that in a locker in another room. I hid it on me where I keep my axe". I want to know were she keeps it but i still dont want know. "But is slipped out when that monster me in the shoulder". That's when a notice the blood stain on her clothes. "Now I am taking him to Soos and getting him patched up". Then she just vanished.

What the hell! She just vanish right front of us. Gideon was jaw open suprise. But dipper was not surpire. You know what I dont care. When Gideon went to ask dipper about what had happened. I shushed him. I said I dont care. He should not care either. Dipper just sighed and went to explain. And I shushed him too. Dont they get it. I dont care. The people in this town are the supernatural. You cant explain in any other way. Let's change the subject.

"What's up with the journal". We sat down on the grass. Gideon set the laptop in front of us all. And open it up. Underneath the screen was a tag with the name sixer on it. What does that mean? Someone whistle behind us. We turned around. There stood Will Cipher.

"Looks like you found your uncle's computer my little pine tree". What do you mean the laptop belongs to dippers uncle? Does that mean dippers uncle is the author of the journals? But before we could ask will dissappered. We sat there for a bit. Then Gideon decided to turn on the laptop. When on it revealed we needed a password. We tried many methods but nothing worked. It was getting dark. We decided to go home. We also invited ambry and tiffany over to have a sleepover

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