chapter 3

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Gideon pov
Me, Pacifica and dipper will be joining robbie and his friends tonight. Pacifica had begged Robbie to let them join. I was against the idea. But nothing every goes my way.

A van that had picked us up when we first arrived pulled up in the drive way. A group of young alduts got out of the van. We walked over to them. Robbie introduce us to them. Their names were  Lee, Nate, tembry and Wendy. We already knew Thompson.

Pacifca hugged all of them, expect for wendy. She seemed to be glaring at Wendy. But wendy didnt seem to mind. A jetta pulled into the drive way behind the van. The passenger door opened. Dipper jumped out and slamed the door shut. The jetta pulled out of the drive way and left. Dipper was waving good bye until the car was out of view. Then he walked to our group.

Everyone's mouths were gaping. Not because of the jetta. But what dipper was wearing. He was wearing a pair of bootie shorts that didnt really cover his bootie. You probably could see his underwear if he bent over. He was a crop top that if he raised his arms would show his nipples.  He also wearing thigh boots. My face burning. Pacifica no better. She had a bloody nose and grinning like a old pervert.

Dipper pines what hell are you wearing?" Wendy shouted as she shoved me out of the way. I fell on my ass. She walked were the stood speechless dipper had stop and stood. She took of her leather and warped around the boy. "I cant believe Stan let you out of the house wearing that". She ranted for ten minutes about how dipper should cover himself. Since there are wovles who eat little boys like him. Dipper just sighed and looked away from her. Tembry went over and drag them both to the group. Wendy glared at all of us.

"If any of you touch Dipper tonight. I will eat you alive" She threatened. Me and Pacifica gulped. As the alduts of the group just laughed. We all gathered into the van. We, the three teenagers sat in the back. Pacifica and dipper was giggling about boys. I was busy listening into the alduts conversations. Trying to figure out where we were going. We finally stopped somewhere.

We all got out of the van. We were at a abandon dusk 2 dawn store. This was bad. We should not be here. It seemed like I wasn't only one who didnt agree to this. Dipper and Robbie looked petrified. Pacifica was excited. She climbed over the fence and ran to the store. The rest followed. Lee had to toss me and Robbie over the fence. And Wendy carried Dipper over the fence.

We all gathered in front of the store. I tried to pursue them out of the idea. But no one listen to me expect for the already scared chickens. Pacifica used her picklocking skills to open the door. We all walked in. Wendy used her flashlight to find the breaker. When she did find it. She turned on the power.

"Dude, you can put princess down you know". Tembry called to Wendy. That woman was still carrying dipper. How she did everthing with one hand I wouldn't know. She set dipper down but warped her arms around him. She glared at me she saw me looking. I turned to find where Pacifica ran off too. She was eating some powder candy. She looked like she was on some sort of drug.

"How many did you have?" I asked. She giggled at me. And she couldn't pronounce eleven correct. I tried to take the candy from her but she hissed at me and bite me. I slowly back away from her. I found dipper by himself on a shelf. A climbed up on the shelf and sit by him.

"What's up with your relationship with Wendy? Also where is she?" I asked, looking for the scary female. I didnt want her to appear and eat my face for sitting by Dipper. Dipper sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. I stiffend at the touch.

"She was babysitter when I was younger. Ever since then she always been overprotective. You met Mable. You know how she can be. Wendy knows how she is. Wendy also doesn't trust easily either. She thinks everyone is like Mabel expect for Robbie". Dipper pointed to a corner hidden by plain view. Wendy and Robbie were laughing at each other. "I think his perfect for her". I smiled I agree. Let's just hope Pacifica doesn't find out or she will go nuts.

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