chapter 11

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Gideon P.O.V

I love Mcgucket. The man is smart. He can invent anything. The passed few days the man fixed his relationship with his son and Ford. He also taught me few things. He played D&D with us. That was epic. He been working on few projects. Does this man sleep?

The man spent alot of time in his lab. I became his apprentice. It was so cool to help work on a few things for him. He even offered for me to stay here with my dad and work with him. That is amazing. But Pacifica and my mom are going be hurt. I don't know what to do. I know if I asked Pacifica. She tell me to say no.

But this is my dream. Do I put my dream over my friend? This sucks balls. I was working on a robot when I spotted it. "Mcgucket, what is that?" I asked, as I pointed to it. He looked to where I pointed. He gave me a grim smile.

"That is the interdimensional rift left from the portal. Before we shut it down and destroyed it" He explained. He got up and picked it up. "Never let anyone know about it. We don't want the wrong hands getting it". I nodded to him. I went back to my work. When I was finished. I went to my room. I thought of the rift. I thought of Mcgucket offer. I didnt know what to do. That moment Pacifica barged in. She was anger.

"Why didnt you tell me about the offer!" She yelled in my face. "I had hear it from Bud. How could you? We don't keep things from each other". She yelled more. I was getting annoyed.

"I started keep things from you. When you decided to listen to someone else then me" I snared to her face. She pushed back.

"If I listened to you. You wouldn't have meet the author. You are such a jerk". She stormed from my room. I sighed, what is her problem. This is my dream. This is my chance to be with my dad. Why can't she understand that. The next day. I decided to ignore Pacifica. She ignored me too. I went to work. Mcgucket took me to the woods today. He wanted to catch something.

We caught a unicorn. We caught it for its hair. He wanted to make a barrier to protect the lab or my house. Since the lab is under my house. The house was Mcguckets home before his accident. On our way back. I decided to stay. This is my home. This is were my dad lives. I can go on adventures like this, everyday. "Mcgucket, I will take up your offer to stay". He smiled at me.

Then we heard a beeping sound. Mcgucket seached his jacket. He found his phone. He went pale. He started running in the direction of the house. I followed him. He ran into the house. He put in the code for the vending machine. Went down the stairs. Into the lab. He started to look for something.

"I can't find it" He snared. He turned to me. "Did you tell anyone about the rift. I shook my head no. He turnd more pale. He raced pass me. Up the stairs. I followed him. He left the house. Across the street to the shop. He enterd the shop and went straight to my dad. He told my dad about the rift and how it is gone. Dad called Stan. He told Stan about the rift. Thrity minutes later, Stan and ford arrived. The men were talking about the rift.

Wait, where is Pacifica? It dawnd on me. I haven't seen her since this morning. I told the men. At first they didnt believe me. But when dad couldnt get hold of her. They realized she must have taken it. But how did she know about it? Wait, Will would have know about the rift. He is demon. He told her to get it. But, why tell her to do it? Why would he do something like this? Then I could think of was Mabel. She owns Will. She had him use Pacifica. I told the men. We rushed out to find Pacifica before it was to late.

Me and Mcgucket found them. But we were to late. Pacifica handed Will the rift. He snapped his fingers and vanished. Pacifica fainted. I quickly caught her. Mcgucket took her from my arms. We carried her back the house. I called my dad and the Stan twins. They arrived to the house just as Pacifica woke up.

We questioned her. She didnt remember anything. She been on a walk. When Will appeared. Then everything went black. That asshole used her as a puppet to steal the rift. Ford and Mcgucket worked on the barrier. They finished it and formed it around the house. Just as the sky turnd yellow. And a giant cross formd in the sky. It was the end.  

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