Chapter 4: New crushes

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"Oh God I thought I could keep my mouth shut till volley practice but I have to tell you," Minnie whispered beside Mia as she took her seat beside her at their round lunch table.

Mia paused her chewing on her carrot and frowned at her best friend whose blue eyes seemed to brighten with her barely concealed excitement,

"Tell me what," Mia dropped the vegetable and turned to face Minnie who was now almost vibrating.

"Oh you're never going to BELIEVE," she giggled excitedly, only making Mia's frown deepen, "I swear you won't believe me but it's true..." she continued to ramble on till Mia finally broke,

"Minnie for Gods sake what is it?" She asked a little louder than she had planned causing Hunter to turn from his book to glance at the two of them, but Minnie took no notice and finally bursted out,

"Miles likes you!"
Mia's frown only deepened in confusion,

"What?" She asked in unison with Mac, Kyle and Hunter who had definitely overheard and were now completely zoned in on Minnie.

"Miles T?" Mia asked and Minnie rolled her eyes playfully,

"Yes Miles T. You know? The guy who you were like obsessed with last year?"

"What?" The boys chorused again this time more incredulous, all their attention shifting to Mia, obviously shocked since Miles T, like Michael and Nate, was a basketball teammate and their friend.

"Okay woah," Mia shot Minnie a pointed look making her cover her mouth and mumble a sheepish "oops".

"You were obsessed with Miles T? How could you not tell me that?" Hunter asked her, barely attempting to hide the accusation in his voice.

"I was not obsessed with him, okay?" she said planting her hands on the table in front of her, "it was a stupid little crush and it lasted for like three days!"

"Okay yeah i did over exaggerate that part for dramatic impact," Minnie piped in, evidently noticing that her big mouth might have slightly screwed up for a second.

"But either way he likes you. Jenna heard him talking to Nate about it in History, then Jenna told Ellis and Ellis told me." She smiled brightly, obviously proud that her little minions had pulled through on keeping her constantly updated with the hottest gossip.

Mia felt flattered, Miles T was hot. It was his shirtless torso that had first caught her eye last year at a party Hunter had thrown at the end of the school year. She didn't know if it was the tequila or just her raging hormones that night but the image of Miles half naked had circulated her mind like a windmill for the next three days after that.

She regrets now sharing her thoughts with Minnie based on the way Hunter kept his eyes glued to her like a scientist would watch a rat mutating before their eyes.

"Well good luck to him," he scoffed, lowering his head back down to his book.

"What's that supposed to mean ?" She asked, immediately offended.

"Well for starters you haven't been in a relationship since sophomore year." Mac pitched in.

"That lasted for barely a month because you didn't even like him," Ryan added with a shrug, popping a limp fry into his mouth.

"Exactly. You don't just up and like guys Mia." Hunter said like it was pure fact, looking her dead in the eye with that overly intense stare of his, "which is why I wish him the best of luck trying to crack your heart of gold open."

With that he turned back to his book and Mia pouted at the unfairness of the conversation.

They'd all ganged up on her.

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