Chapter 5: First dates and unanswered questions

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"More tits, push them up higher." Minnie gesticulated at Mia's chest area in her strapless white corset top, which Minnie had helped her pair with baggy jeans that gripped her slender waist.

Her leather jacket was also at hand to protect her from the sharp New York breeze.

"I'm afraid you've already made me push them as far as they'll go Min." Mia said, looking down at her boobs, then getting out Minnie's Cadillac, having arrived back at her house after a night at Minnie and Mac's state of the art town house a few streets down.

"Fair enough," Minnie said through the lowered window, "enjoy yourself M. You deserve it." She winked up at Mia and slid her skinny shades up her slender nose.

Mia blew her a kiss as her car pulled out of the curb and sped down the street.

Checking her phone she saw that Miles had texted her three minutes before saying he was five minutes away, so she decided to not go into the warmth of her house that was surely to be empty anyway.

She glanced back down again at the messages from Hunter that she was yet to open. Last night he had been adamant that Mia tell him what Miles T had been talking to her about, but when Minnie had seen her looking at her phone during their spa session she had grabbed her phone and sent Hunter a video message saying he was "interrupting girl time and he could be nosey later", to which he immediately replied "Give Mia her phone Min."

Minnie had then switched off Mia's phone saying she didn't need any "unnecessary distractions" before her date.

Now looking down at the numerous texts asking why she was ghosting, and whether she wanted a ride to his house tonight, Mia knew that telling him she was on going on a date with his teammate would cause a storm she didn't need just then.

Just then a slick black car pulled up in front her, and she smiled brightly as she slid into the welcoming warmth of Miles' car. He greeted her with a kiss on the cheek which made Mia's face heat slightly.

"You look gorgeous Mia, as always." He chuckled and she immediately felt comfortable at his easiness.

"Thanks," she smiled. "Where are we going ?"

"You and I are going to every sushi bar Lower Manhattan has to offer before the sun goes down." He said as he pulled onto the road as Mia buckled in. "We're celebrity judges for the day, so take this very seriously." He chuckled, flashing her his straight white teeth,

"I think I can handle that," she smiled back.


"This is so delicious, I'll give this place a ten." Mia hummed in satisfaction as she chewed on another portion of seaweed wrapped sushi.

"You said the exact same thing about the last five places," Miles laughed through his own mouthful.

"You said I have to be a celebrity judge not a good one. I think they all win." She grinned as she leaned forward on the black marble counter they were seated at.

Miles laughed at her response and shook his head, then slid off his high chair.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Mia watched his back as he retreated and immediately picked up her phone to answer Minnie who had been spamming her.

Mia: Yes it's going well Jesus girl!

Minnie: I'm sorry I got overexcited :) How are you texting me? Where is he? Did you ditch him? Should I come pick you up?

Mia: He's just in the bathroom, would you please for the love of God chill? I'll see you at the party ily x

Mia shut off her phone after sending her message when she saw Miles' white shirt appear again from the corner of her eye. Only he wasn't walking towards her, he remained in the alcove that led to the bathrooms, partially hidden in the dark corridor.

The girl he was talking to however, was fully visible to Mia. Her curiosity peaked as she silently watched the exchange between Miles and the girl who seemed to be talking animatedly, but since her back was facing Mia, she didn't know what emotions were being conveyed.

In the next moment Miles reached out and caught the wrist of the girl, leaning in and seemingly whispering something into her ear.

The question mark expanded in Mia's head when whatever he said to her made the random girl step back and immediately walk away, disappearing into the bathrooms.

Mia quickly looked away so as not to appear like she had been staring, which she obviously had, as Miles strolled up to her through her peripheral vision, his easy smile back on his face once again.

"Hey sorry about the wait."

"That's okay," she waved her hand. He looked down at her plate.

"Are you sure you don't want anymore of that? You've only taken a bite from eat bar," he frowned and her heart sunk for a moment.

"No I'm good. I'm not really hungry."

"Really? That's weird," he chuckled and she gave him a tight smile back, "Well then we should probably head over to Hunter's party, it's almost ten." Mia nodded, putting her phone in her Jacquemus purse and sliding gracefully off her chair.

The ride to Hunter's house was silent aside from Miles' humming along with the throwback mowtown classic playing on his expensive radio sound system, while Mia tried and failed to stop wondering who the girl at the restaurant was and what they had been talking about.

She didn't even realize when Miles had pulled up in front of her best friends house till he had walk over to her side and opened her door for her. As she got out his easygoing smile met her and she found herself suddenly distracted from her thoughts, and deciding to shelf them for later.

"Thanks for agreeing to go out with me today, I hope you had fun?" His hand positioned itself at the small of her back as he guided her up the steps of Hunter's house.

"I did yeah. Thanks for taking me." She replied causing his smile to widen.

"No worries," the front door opened the moment they reached it, revealing Minnie clad in a dark blue mini dress that hugged her slender frame beautifully and complimented her white blonde hair in its chic waves that framed her eyes which were currently wild with excitement at the site of her best friend and her fresh date.

"Hey cuties." She grinned, grabbing Mia's wrist and yanking her into the lobby where a crowd of their friends and acquaintances from school were dancing and milling about.

"I'm going to go grab a drink you want one?" He asked Mia and she nodded with a slight smile and he disappeared into the crowd to get to the kitchen.

"Ugh he's so hot," Minnie sighed after him and Mia chuckled,
"Do you want him ?" She joked and Minnie immediately scrunched her nose,
"Shut up. I'm just so happy for you. You're both so stunning too I can't help but think what your babies are going to look like,"

"Woahh down girl, I've been on one date with the guy," Mia looked at her best friend incredulously as they wandered past the lobby and into the main living area where the heart of the party was in full swing.

In the corner of the room where their friend group usually stationed sat Hunter, Ryan and the rest of the boys, with Mac nowhere to be found.

Like always, Hunter made immediate eye contact with Mia the moment she spotted him and he raised his hand and mouthed "where have you been?" Across the room.

"I've been dodging questions from him about you all night you should go talk to him." Minnie said through the side of her mouth and Mia huffed,

"I know, oh God," just then Miles returned holding two solo cups and handed one to Mia, and to her surprise, leaned it and planted a kiss on her soft cheek.

"Did I already tell you you look beautiful tonight ?" He smiled easily and Mia was just about to mutter a flustered thank you when Minnie nudged her softly from the side,

"Mayday, mayday," she whispered aggressively and Mia looked up to see Hunter storming over to them with a dark look in his eyes that meant trouble.

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