Chapter 10: Drunken decisions and dark tunnels

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Minnie and Mia had been dancing for over an hour, giggling and hiccuping all over each other in the dance floor filled with other guests all dancing to the upbeat music that had switched out the smooth jazz from earlier in the evening.

Miles appeared behind her and danced with her a few times, and because he was so hot and she was too drunk to care she danced with him, moving her hips in rhythm with his.

But after a few minutes she'd go back to dancing with her best friend because it was more fun and she didn't want to leave her alone.

Ryan and Mac were also on the dance floor, having found girls their age who were now happily throwing themselves at them, falling victim to Ryan's in-built Jamaican rhythm and Mac's smooth relaxed moves.

Hunter, however, was at the bar getting shit-faced as far as Mia could tell. Every time she glanced at him he was either watching Min and her dancing or throwing back a shot.

"I'm going to get some air," Mia said to the group and quickly downed the rest of her glass, making her way over to drop it off at the bar.

Hunter saw her coming and smiled sleepily, raising his glass,
"The queen approacheth!" She saddled up beside him and dropped her glass down on the counter. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead then hiccuped,

"You're sweaty," she burst out laughing and he chuckled along with her,

"I am!" She exclaimed, "and here I thought my night was going to be shit," she breathed with a huge smile feeling very very buzzed.

"I don't like him M," he said abruptly, his smile slightly slipping off his face as he held her gaze.

"God Hunter not now." She groaned sliding away from the bar and he immediately followed her.

"I'm not doing anything, I said I wouldn't interfere so these are just words and I'm going to fucking say them," they squeezed past the dancing bodies and Mia stumbled into one of the dimly lit tunnels that started a maze.

Hunter steadied her from behind, his hands holding her waist to keep her upright and she felt an overwhelming heat in the pit of her stomach making her immediately step out of his touch.

"I-I need air," she said again, walking away in a direction she knew probably wasn't going to get her to the balcony. All she knew was that in her current state, she wasn't in full control of her words or actions so being in such close proximity to Hunter in the current moment wasn't likely to reap good results.

"I don't like the way he talks about, I don't like how he looks at you, I don't like how he touches you," he rambled on, his hands reaching up to fist his hair in a display of slightly intoxicated frustration. "He's not good enough Mia, he's not good enough for you," he ground out and Mia felt her own anger rising as well.

"Damnit Hunter then who is?!" She shouted and he immediately looked taken aback, "tell me, if he's not good enough for me, and none of the guys who asked you to date me are good enough then who is? Huh?" She watched his frown deepen as he rolled her words around his mind.

"No one." He whispered after a few moments,

"That doesn't make any sense," She scrunched her nose, "you never make any sense Hunter Miller." She slurred slightly moving forward and poking his chest till he grabbed her wrist to still her.

"You're not listening-"
"No you're not listening," she shot back, "can't you hear how crazy you sound when you just say these things and expect me to just take it?"

She then got all up in his face, feeling her confidence rising higher than usual.

"What's really bothering you Hunter? You said I can't just up and like a guy and now that I'm here doing it you're what? You're jealous?" She was close enough to see the fire blazing in her eyes,
"You like him?" He growled, but she barely heard him,

"Is that what this is? You're jealous he stands up to you? That he does what he wants and actually gets what he wants, or are you just jealous because Im actually doing what I want? Because news flash Hunter, you can't control me because you don't own me," She was running her mouth at this point getting up in his face till she could see his pupils dilated as his eyes dashed across her face, "because i am not yours Hunter Miller. I. Am. Not. Yours-"

she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence because Hunter had already crossed the tiny distance between them and crashed his lips against Mia's in one frantic moment.

Mia instinctively placed her hands on his chest, shoving him away and he took a second to open his eyes which had grown heavy, he blinked hard a few times as Mia lifted her shaky fingers up to her bottom lip which was tingling. He blinked again, looking at her wide-eyed expression and immediately back-tracked,
"Mia I'm so sorry I-I don't know what came over me-"
"Shut up," she whispered, cutting him off as she reached up and kissed him hard. He remained frozen in shock for half a second, before something seemed to click in his head and he groaned against her mouth and reached his hands down to grip her thighs and swing them up to wrap around his waist.
He backed her up against the wall of the tunnel, deepening the kiss as his tongue slid past her soft lips to stroke hers.
Mia's body erupted with heat at the welcome invasion and couldn't for the life of her hold back the desperate moan that came from her throat. At the sound, Hunter's hand on her waist slid down to her ass and squeezed tight, spreading her legs wider so his rock hard member ground against her pussy that was quickly soaking her lace panties with moisture at the blinding arousal that was thrumming through her .

"Holy fuck," Hunter whispered, need coating his voice as Mia tilted her head back to lean against the wall as he ground into her again, sending shocks of burning desire through her body.

"Hunter," she moaned out his name, at the same moment his lips met the tender skin of her neck. His tongue worked on her skin, as he sucked and bit her neck softly, and all Mia could do in response was whimper, her hands going up to squeeze the curls at the back of his head.
"Say my name again," he whispered against her neck, his breath coming out in sharp bursts, "I need to hear it again," he kissed her neck, her earlobe, her jawline, before returning to the sweetness of her mouth.

"Hunter," she breathed with a lazy smile that immediately fell open in a moan of pleasure as he ground into her, hitting her clit. "Fuck," she breathed as he leaned in and bit her bottom lip, before sucking it into his mouth.
She pulled his lips back to hers, even though she was so out of breath that she felt she would pass out. In that moment she preferred to have his lips on hers more than she wanted to breathe air.

Their movements built up an intoxicating rhythm, with each stroke of their tongues Hunter ground into her, drawing out moans from each of them as they climbed higher and higher together.

"You have no idea how long-" he was barely halfway through his breathless words when the sound of Minnie's voice suddenly filled the deserted tunnel,
"Mia!" She called and the two of them froze for a second, wide eyes locked on each other, before Mia scrambled off Hunter's body and dragged them behind a large sculpture close by moments before Minnie's body came into view, peering down the hall they were in,

"No she's not here Edward," Minnie said after a few moments before disappearing back out.

Mia turned back to Hunter who she had pressed up against the wall with her hand over his mouth to keep him silent.

Both of their breaths were still ragged and as they both stared at each other as the weight of what they had just done came crashing down on Mia. She had given in to her feelings and it had felt more incredible than anything she had ever felt in her life. But it had been wrong because it probably had meant so much more to her than it had to him. That thought stung her and she stepped away from him, as she watched him watch her as though waiting for a reaction.

"I..." she tried but came up with nothing, she felt her chest start to constrict and an overwhelming urge to throw up suddenly swam over her, "I-I need to go," she breathed out and she watched his frown deepen,

"Mia," He said cautiously but she shook her head, stepping away from his hand and turned to run as quickly as she could out of that tunnel and into the main living area.

She heard him calling after her but she kept running all the way to the elevator. Which took her down to the lobby where the chauffeur was already waiting to take her home.

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