Chapter 5

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Hinatas PoV


I turned around and looked back at Kenma.

„Come here, we'll skip the practice match okay?" Kenma said looking kinda sad

„What? I can't they'll be-... they'll lecture me Kenmaaaa~! I don't want to be lectured." I said while pouting

Gosh I almost told him that they beat me up, if he finds out he'll just ignore it anyways right?

„I don't want to stand up, I want to be lazy and sit here for the rest of the day." he whined

I walked over to him, took his hand and pulled him up.

„Let's go back, we don't want to be in trouble, do we?" I said looking Kenma in his catlike eyes


We both go back to the gym and are greeted by not so happy coaches and captains.

„Where were you?! The match should've started 20 minutes ago!" Kuroo said with an angry but also concerned look

„Sorry we forgot when we should be back and thought you said 5.30 pm." Kenma said looking bored

That was a good excuse

„Okay fine, let's just start"

*after the match*

Kageyamas PoV

Tch that bastard was 20 minutes late, I don't believe this poorly excuse they gave us. I'm pretty sure he told this Nekoma setter everything and then they just stayed away a little longer to be away from us.

„Yo kags!" Tanaka said approaching me

„What do you want?"

„Do you believe them? I mean the thing with forgetting when they should be back?" he asked

„Of course not! It's just a poor excuse to be a bit longer away from us."

„I think he wants to get beaten up tomorrow." Noya said grinning next to us.

I didn't even notice him

„Let's tell him to meet us tomorrow usual place and time." he added

„I'll tell him at school tomorrow and you tell tsukki and yams, got it?" I asked

„yes" they both said.

*let's get back to our little pretending to be sunshine*

Hinatas PoV

I was currently sitting on the stairs in front of the gym, waiting for yaku to bring me back to the train station.


I look up and see Kenma.

I quickly put on my fake smile.

„Hey Kenma! What are you still doing here? The practice match is already over."

„Yea, I'm living nearby and are waiting for Kuroo right now...what about you? Your team is already on the way back to Miyagi."

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