Chapter 19

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Hinatas PoV.

It's the morning of the training match. Karasuno will arrive in about four hours and I can't stop worrying.

Me and Kenma practiced our quick as if we would die if we lose the game. Well maybe I would- that's not the point. Everyone keeps telling me that Karasuno can't even speak to me or else they'll be beaten up by Nekoma.

Nekoma is like a second family for me, they're not like Karasuno and just ignore my presence. They actually care and help me to improve myself. They tell when practice's canceled and Kuroo, Kozu, Lev and I even stay after practice to play a bit more. The school is pretty nice too. Everyone tells me I'm their sunshine. And to be honest I really am their little sunshine. I myself noticed that when I walk in, everyone smiles at me and greet me nicely. Since I transferred no one has slapped me or called me any names. I'm so happy. I finally have people that actually care. Of course I miss Karasuno sometimes and I always think of what they're doing now but if I had the choice of going back, I wouldn't do it. They made my life horrible, they called me names and beated me up. They made sure that I would feel useless and hate myself.

I deleted everything that had the slightest bit of a connection to Karasuno. Every picture, contact, video and I also blocked everyones Instafram accounts and numbers. That means no one of my old teammates, classmates or even teachers could contact me.

Kuroo really did calm down after a few days of ignoring me and Kenma. He said that he just thought that he loved Kozu but in reality he loves him in a friendly way. Like friends do y'know? I was kinda scared of the day after me and Kozu got together but we made sure to just walk past him or avoid him as best as we could.

I miss my family too but that's covered. My mum and Natsu promised me to at least visit once a month. And with Kozu, it couldn't be better. I can always talk to him and tell him how my day was. He doesn't really care that I'm really energetic, I think he likes it. He gives me attention when I need it and always puts his game away almost immediately when I enter the room he's in. I love him so much..but I'm not really sure if he knows.

Let's get back to the meantime.

I was bustled through our bedroom and couldn't calm myself. Usually Kozume calms me but he isn't here. He's at Kuroos to practice a bit more. (I know he wouldn't do that but I have no idea where Kenma should be instead)

I jumped when I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. It scared the hell out of me.

It was Kozu. He texted me, he would be back in half an hour. I texted him back and asked if he could come back a bit earlier. He asked why and I told him that I couldn't calm down and needed his help. He told me that he would be there in 20 minutes and then got off the phone I think.

After 20 minutes I heard the front door open, signalling Kozu's back. I quickly ran to him and tackled him to the floor.

„Ouch, Shouyo! You're excited for the game?"

„Yes I think, but I'm more scared than excited."

He looks at me questioning but then it hit him. „Oh but love, we'll win I guarantee you!" he hugs me even tighter and kissed me all over my face. I giggled and Kozu finally kissed me on my lips.

„Now let's watch a movie and then we'll make our way to school, for the match, okay?" he had his arms still around my waist and looked me into my eyes.

I nodded and tried to stand up only to fail miserably. I forgot the fact that he still had his arms around me and collapsed right back on his chest. He chuckled and stood up with me. I started walking but was lifted after a few steps.


„Yea babe?" he asked grinning.

„I-I can walk y-y'know?"

„Oh but we don't want to exhaust our little sunshine before the match starts, now do we?"

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He always does those little things to me. Giving me random kisses, carrying me somewhere, hugging me out of nowhere, etc. I'm not complaining, he just startles me sometimes with his actions.

He places me on the couch in the living room and then turns on a random movie. When he's sitting next to me, I lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist.

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