Chapter 14

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Kenma PoV
I walked out of the bedroom and made my way to the livingroom.

As I stepped in Shouyo immediately asked if it was okay to transfer and move in with me. I just nodded and smiled a bit. Sho tackled me to the floor and kissed my cheek. I blushed and put my hand in his hair. We layed on the floor for a few more minutes until we heard Mrs Hinata walk in. We stood up and Sho thanked his mother at least a million times. She said it wasn't a big deal and told him that he should talk to her if something bothers him next time.

He agreed and said „I was too afraid to talk to anybody about this, I thought they would at least kill me if they would find out I told someone."

We all stayed silent after that sentence and tried our hardest not to laugh out loud. Mrs Hinata failed and I followed right after. Shouyo looked confused and that made it even funnier.

I got a hold of myself first and said „Sho- *giggle* they would've never *giggle* killed you. They would *giggle* be in jail if they would." and I started to laugh again. Shouyo looked embarrassed and left for his room, slamming the door. „Shouyooo! I didn't mean it like that, come back to Kenma!" I shouted but I didn't hear an answer.

„I'll go to his room, and tell him a bit more details about the moving and transfer." Mrs Hinata nodded and smiled at me.

They have the same energetic smile...

I walked upstairs and knocked on Shos door. „Mom, no. Kozu, no. Natsu, you can come in."
I opened the door anyway and stepped inside his room.

„Sho, I would like to tell you more about the moving and transfer." He mumbled a response, I couldn't indentity. I just took it as a ‚go on' and gave him a bit more details. „Okay, you and your mum will talk to your principal tomorrow and you'll have to tell your teachers and at least the coach that you're going to transfer. You don't have to say to which school if you're too uncomfortable. You could also say that you don't want them to say anything to the others. Meanwhile I will talk to my coach and principal. After that's done you'll pack your things. I'll give you a week for packing and maybe you want to meet up with Sugawara, Daichi or Asahi here before you go. Your mum will drive you to Tokyo on Friday evening. I'll be home around 4 pm but I think you'll be there around 6-7 pm. Me and Kuro will help unpack a bit and then we'll be by ourselves. You'll live in the guestroom by the way. I think that's all for now. I'll give you more details about my school and your soon to be school when all the moving's done. Any questions so far?"

„Uhm not really but..uhm- can we cuddle a now..?" he asked with his face flushed.

„I would love to but unfortunately, I have to go home now. We have school tomorrow remember?" I walked over to his bed and petted his head a bit.

My hand was making it's way to his cheek and I was currently having my hand on Shouyos cheek, my thumb stroking his Cheekbone. I looked into his hazel eyes and slowly leaned in. Shouyo leaned in too and we met midway. The kiss felt so right. I don't regret it and I don't think I ever will. I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

„I'll see you on Friday evening Shouyo..don't let yourself beat up tomorrow, 'kay?" he nodded, leaning his head into my hand. My other hand slowly made it's way to his face and now I was just cupping his face.

„Tomorrow will be your last day, have fun and don't let yourself beat up." I pecked his lips and he giggled.

„You repeated yourself Kozu!" he said with a big smile. I smiled back, pecked him one last time and stood up.

„I'll go now Sho. Don't forget to tell your coach, I know it's hard and it seems unnecessary for you but it's better that way, trust me." he nodded again and jumped out of his bed. He hugged me and kissed my cheek goodbye.

A/N: I'm sorry it's rather short, I don't know what I could write about the whole 'yes you can transfer and move in' thingy. Anyway..I hope you like the chapter, if there are any spelling or grammer mistakes please tell me and I'll correct them. Thank's for reading this shitty story!

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