Avatar Roku

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avatar roku


As the ship headed towards Crescent Island, Saria was playing competitive games of Pai Sho against Aiko and a few guards. Every game ended quickly,  with Saria earning a victory every time. Just as they were beginning a new game, the captain of the ship entered the room.

"Commander Zhao asks for his children." Saria and Aiko exchanged glances before standing up to follow the captain to the deck.

"Practise playing while I'm gone, guys. Perhaps one day you can beat me!" She had winked in the direction of the guards, who laughed with her before she turned the corner, stepping out of their view.

As the siblings approached their father, they could see the moon-shaped island in the distance. A small vessel was parked on the edge, which meant that Saria was right.

"We'll be docking the ship soon. Aiko, you will come with me into the temple. The Avatar and his friends will most definitely put up a fight."

"And me, Father? What will I do?" Saria cracked her knuckles, ready to join in on the action.

"You will stay here. This is not a job for a girl."

Saria jerked her head to her father, her eyes wide.

"What? You're kidding, right?"

Zhao faced his daughter, his face neutral. He wasn't kidding.

"I can do anything you can do besides firebend. I have trained alongside both Aiko and the Prince of the Fire Nation, who came out to be very respectable and skilled fighters. This has nothing to do with me being a 'girl'," She used her fingers to air quote, "This was MY idea. I'm going in."

Aiko smiled at Saria with admiration. She couldn't stand being misjudged because of her gender, especially by her own father.

"Very well, but don't get in my way. The Avatar will be mine, and after today, I will be legendary."

"We will be legendary..." Saria whispered so only she could hear.

As they docked the ship, Zhao, Aiko, Saria and a few geared up soldiers headed up the stairs towards the temple. Saria stared at it in awe. She had been to many temples in her lifetime, but never one this ancient and legendary. This was the temple of the infamous fire Avatar Roku. Although many shunned him for his tyranny act towards late Fire Lord Sozin, Saria secretly admired the late Avatar. He had believed in the power of the Fire Nation but respected the other nations enough to try to stop Sozin from taking over. In Saria's belief, that was true power. 

"Why did you help the Avatar?"

As they made their way through the temple, Saria overheard an exasperated, raspy voice yelling in another room.

"They're this way, Father." Saria whispered and pointed directly ahead. The group followed the voices, which escorted them to the main part of the temple.

"Because it was once the sages' duty. It is still our duty."

Zhao walked into the room, interrupting the interrogation by clapping. Aiko and Saria shared an uncertain look before following him, both walking to their father's side while the guards stood behind them. The room revealed five fire sages, one had his hand secured behind his back and was kneeling in front of the banished prince.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance. I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand, when you explain why you betrayed him."

"Commander Zhao." The Great Fire Sage bowed respectfully towards the commander, which made Zuko turn to see Zhao smirking at him. Saria's heart raced as the prince made eye contact with her for the first time in years. His face dropped.

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