Chapter 4

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"Hey Malfoy," I say and he looks up, breaking his trance with our baby, "What are we supposed to name him?"

We stare at each other, neither wanting to say something first and get completely vetoed by the other.

"How about Albus?" I say, finally suggesting something. Malfoy stares at me for a second before laughing hysterically. I pout and it takes him a good few minutes for him to stop laughing and remember that I'm still here

"Wait you were serious? Harry we cannot name our poor baby Albus. What would everyone else think? And it's too much pressure for the poor lad." He says, trying to control his laughter.

I pout again and he sober up a little and begins taking it seriously.

"How about Jamie? That way it's a family name for you and a name my father would have hated. Then we'd both be happy."

I stare at the boy before me in amazement. I can't believe that he could suggest a name so good. Jamie Malfoy-Potter. It's perfect.

"Malfoy, thank you its perfect." I say and he smiles at me.

We put little Jamie down for an afternoon nap, deciding that sounds like something a parent should do. He falls asleep almost instantly, and I think that means we made a good decision.

Without the baby giving us some common ground, the atmosphere tenses and turns awkward between the blonde boy and me. Deciding to give him some room, I say,

"I'm going to visit Ron and Hermione for a bit, see how they're getting on... if that's okay with you I mean."

"Sure Potter, I can watch Jamie."

I leave the room without saying another word. I lean against the wall in the corridor, and exhale. It's a weird feeling; having to live with your enemy and not completely hating it. After a minute, I compose myself before knocking on their door.

There's no answer but I hear movement and talking from the other side of the door so I decide to let myself in.

I walk in and it looks like a bomb's gone off. There's clothes strewn everywhere, baby stuff covering the beds. Ron's pacing around carrying their baby, currently screaming her head off. Even my normally chill best friend looks stressed- they must be struggling. Hermione's flitting about the room (her hair at least triple the size it normally is), flicking desperately between books, looking for some kind of answer.

"Harry hi," she says breathlessly, clearly not thrilled to see me. "I'm sorry about all this, she just wont stop crying." She flops down defeated on the bed, on the verge of tears.

"Can I help with anything?" I ask, bending down to pick up a still warm bottle from the floor.

"NO!" Hermione practically screams, "We have to do this by ourselves, we have to do this properly."

Slightly afraid I take a step back and sit next to her on the bed, one arm around her. She leans into me and I feel her breathing slow slightly.

The baby settles down shortly after she does and Ron lays her down in the cot, moving painstakingly slowly as to not wake her.

He tiptoes over to us and sits on the bed opposite.

"Harry mate nice to see you," he whispers.

I know Hermione wouldn't want me to address the chaos in the room so I try to make conversation around it.

"So, what's she called?"

"Daisy," Hermione whispers back, looking over at the sleeping baby in the crib.

"So, it must be tough being paired with Malfoy huh," Ron asks, "I mean you've hated each other for like your whole lives. Surely you can ask McGonagall to change, she knows what Malfoy's like too."

"To be honest mate, he's not too bad. Like yeh its crazy awkward at times, but he can take a joke and knows what he's doing so it might actually okay. There's no way in hell I would've chosen him but I don't think I'll ask to swap-at least not yet."

We talked for another half hour or so before I declare I'm heading back- I feel bad leaving Malfoy to babysit for too long.

I walk through our door into our neat little room and brace myself for the awkwardness. To my surprise I find Malfoy leaning over the Jamie on the changing table, trying to open the new nappy wrapper with his mouth both hands trying to stop Jamie wiggling around. I laugh and he looks up at me, spitting out the nappy.

"Potter, thank god you're back, give me a hand here."

I take charge of holding Jamie and distracting him as Malfoy opens the new nappy (with his mouth this time) and tries to wrap it around his tiny waist. Suddenly Jamie decides to add something to this little façade and starts spraying Malfoy with a little stream of... well you can guess what.

My eyes open wide in shock, as Malfoy stands there, stunned I start laughing at the sight before me, the prissy blonde perfectionist, dripping with piss. Even Jamie seems amused as he laughs and claps joyfully at his work.

Malfoy heads off to the shower, looking thoroughly unimpressed as I start dressing a still chuckling Jamie again. I think I see him smile before he shuts the door behind him. 

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