Chapter 8

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A/N- I really loved writing this chapter, it's a little bit longer than normal. I hope you guys like it too.


I walk with Draco to the room of requirement, a strange mixture of nerves and excitement racing through my veins. Alcohol, a group of teenagers and Pansy Parkinson; who know what would happen?

As we approached the doors that seamlessly appeared in front of us; focusing the closer we got to them, I was reminded of the last time Draco and I were in this room together.

It was less than a year ago, though it feels like a past lifetime. Both of us could've died that night and I saved his life as the flames danced on the walls around us. That was the night I realised, just in time, that Draco wasn't a bad person. Seeing him stuck there, so close to death, I knew that it wasn't his fault. He was forced into his life and there's no way in hell he would chosen that. Since that day, I stopped resenting him quite as much.

We walk through the doors, and instead of the duelling space we used for the DA or the junk cupboard we found a freaking horcrux in, it's set up just like a common room. Instead being themed with one colour like the traditional ones, there's colour everywhere. The whole room is an eclectic rainbow of all colours, but it doesn't feel tacky. It's a homely kind of room, giant sofas and beanbags centred around a softly crackling fireplace.

"Woah" I hear Draco softly mouth from next to me.

I settle down on a sofa between Ron and Hermione, pull my legs up beside me, and rest my head on Hermione's shoulder. Draco starts moving to sit next to Pansy and Blaise but after seeing how they're already sucking each other's faces off; makes the wise choice to leave them be and sits on the rug by my feet like an obedient dog.

A couple bottles of Firewhiskey were already being passed around, no one bothering with glasses and taking swigs straight from the bottle. I wasn't surprised to hear Ginny snuck some in, everyone always underestimates her. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled about her being everywhere I was, but see seemed to have moved on and now at least she had a strong friend in Luna.

One of the bottles appears before me; Draco passing it up over his shoulder. I take a long sip, wanting to enjoy my last night of freedom from Jamie. I pass it on to Hermione who hands it straight to Ron. She simply shrugs as I shoot her a questioning look.

After half an hour or so, when the conversations have died down and everyone is suitably buzzed; Hermione suggests a game of truth or dare.

"Yessss, nice one Granger, ooooh and to make it even more interesting we should make it magically binding." Pansy says, always one to up the stakes, "You know so that dares have to be completed and to make sure everyone always tells the truth."

Everyone nods or mummers in agreement; too drunk to properly know what they're signing up for but drunk enough to know it sounds like fun. Hermione instructs us to put our hands together in the middle and casts some kind of spell over all of us. It felt like a cold wave and I felt Draco shiver as if he felt the chill too.

"Okay, well I will go first because I am obviously the best, um Slongbottom," Pansy says, picking her first victim, "Truth or Dare?"

Neville fidgeted and debated slightly before deciding truth would be the least offensive option.

"Okay, you have to tell us who your crush is."

He blushed bright scarlet, and it was obvious he was fighting something not to tell us. Eventually, whatever it was overcame him and he stuttered out, "Hannah Abbot."

The girl in question's cheeks filled with blood. She and Neville had been spending a lot of time together this year in the herbology greenhouses and they'd chosen to partner together for this project. Good for Neville, I thought.

We played a couple more rounds, with nothing too exciting happening. Blaise was dared to take off his shirt (providing a very nice view), Ron was dared to make out with Hermione (which he did gratefully), and Luna dared me to finish one of the Firewhiskey bottles. That was probably why I remember little else from that night.


The evening was going well. Potter was completely wasted; I was going to have to literally drag him back to our dorm.

Finally, it was my turn to choose the dare, it was that Hufflepuff girl, Hannah Abbot's turn. I didn't really know her so I decided to be nice.

"Umm, I dare you to kiss any of the boys, I'll let you pick." I decided to make it vague, even though we all knew who she was going to pick.

She practically jumped on Neville. I'm not sure if it was Hermione's spell pulling them together or just her own determination but poor Neville never stood a chance. Pansy began applauding them as they (very passionately) started making out in front of us.

After what felt like a lifetime, their faces separated, although she remained sitting in his lap.

It was my turn next and, not wanting to go through what I had just witnessed, I picked truth.

"Okkk, what's a turn on for you Malfoy?" Blaise asked, too drunk to think of anything better.

"Babies." The spell forced me to spurt out.

Everyone stared at me in various levels of disgust. They might have been absolutely smashed but they still knew that what I had just said was wrong. "Shit no, not like that, no way. I mean like when someone is a good parent and is like really caring. That's hot. Not actually babies, that's disgusting, ew."

Everyone settles down a bit, satisfied that I'm not a paedophile.

It was Harry's turn next. I think Luna decided to go easy on him, seeing how pissed he was.

"Okay Harry, what do you find physically attractive."

Harry looked slightly confused, as if he was unsure why someone was talking to him.

"Blonde boys," he said before chuckling slightly at the alliteration.

The rest of the room fell silent and it took a few moments to for him to realise that he'd accidentally come out. "Shit" he muttered.

"You're gay?" Ginny asked.

"Bi. B-b-b-b bi." He replied in a sing-song voice, for some reason still amused by the letter B.

"I think it's time for bed mate," Ron said, deciding his best friend was definitely past it, before making a move to swing Harry's arm over his shoulder.

"I'll take him back." I say, "We're roommates anyway, you guys can stay here a little longer."

With the help of Weasley and Granger, I swing Harry's arm over my shoulder and he clings to me as we stagger back up to our wing.

Not wanting him to fall asleep or pass out before we get to our room; I talk to him, just like I would with Jamie. "Come on Potter, nearly there, just a bit more."

I was going to kill Lovegood for making him drink this much.

We finally reached our room and after unhooking him from my arm, he flops down face first one the bed still fully dressed.

Sighing I get him a glass of water and try to force him to drink it but end up spilling most of it on the sheets. I take his shoes off and decide that for tonight, he can sleep in his clothes.

"Thank you Draco," he says sounding just like a little kid.

I flop onto my own bed, suddenly feeling really tired. But before I sleep, I have to ask him something. I know it won't mean anything to him and he probably won't remember any of this in the morning.

"So, you're bisexual?"

"Mhhm yep," he says quite contently before getting defensive, the way drunk people do when almost anything happens. "What's it matter to you, Mafloy err Malfoy?"

"Nothing its just good to know."

Harry looks slightly puzzled but decides it's not important. He shuffles down and cosies up in his bed before falling asleep almost instantly.

"'Night Potter." I say before being overcome with my own tiredness.

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