Chapter 14

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I don't speak to Malfoy all the way back to our room. I wish it was out of anger or annoyance at his actions. That I didn't want to speak to him because of what he'd done.

The reality was far from that. I wanted more than anything to speak to him, but I didn't know what words to say.

There was a hurricane in my mind and Malfoy was the eye.

When your whole world gets thrown upside-down, I think it's okay to need some time to process your thoughts.

It's not that he was a guy. I'd known I was bi for years. In fact, it had been a dream about a certain blonde boy that started that realisation. I had pushed that fact deep, deep, deep, down inside me until now.

But all of sudden it was relevant again; in a way I never would've thought it would be.

I walk in silence beside Malfoy. For a second, I wonder if I imagined that moment in the woods, if it had been some sort of fantasy my mind created.

Then his fingers blush lightly against mine and I knew that it was all real.

I knew that this boy beside me was one of the kindest, sweetest, most caring people I had ever met. I knew that he was strong, so incredibly strong to have endured everything he had been forced into as a child. I knew that he was caring, that he would be the best father someday from the way he acted around Jamie. I knew he was beautiful, with a statue-like perfection. I knew this boy was one of the best people I'd ever met.

And in that moment, walking back to our room through the ornate corridors of the castle, I knew that I was beginning to love him.


I felt like complete shit.

Don't get me wrong, kissing potter had been the best moment of my life so far. But I was worried I had made some sort of mistake or made him feel uncomfortable. He hadn't spoken to me on the entire walk back to our room. Even when we picked Jamie up from McGonagall's, he still stayed silent.

I hate the silence. It gives me too much time to worry about what he's thinking.

Once back in our room, I sit on the end of my bed and put my head in my hands. Harry puts our son down in his crib, softly murmuring reassuringly to him. I desperately try to think about what I can do to fix this situation. I decide an apology couldn't hurt and would be a good place to start.

"Harry," I say and I can see his whole-body tense up. "Harry listen, I'm so sorry about earlier. I'm sorry if I forced you into something you didn't want to do. I'm sorry I..."

"Don't be"

I look up, confused as The Boy who Lived interrupts me by leaping on top of me and pressing his mouth against mine. He practically pins me to the bed and determinedly makes out with me as fireworks fill my heart. Something hard presses into my leg and I'm glad I'm not the only one.

"Potter" I practically moan.

"Malfoy" He replies; smug bastard.

Suddenly an ear-piercing cry fills the room, Jamie really did have perfect timing. Laughing, Potter pushes himself up off of me and goes to tend to our child. I struggle to sit up and force myself to laugh. I'd rather cry at losing the feeling of his lips upon mine.

"Hey Malfoy," he says, snapping me out of my dizzy spell, "We'll continue that later."

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