Chapter 13

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We begin walking back from the pitch, completely soaked through to the skin. All I want to do is have a warm shower and then get Jamie back.

It feels weird how much I miss him when he wasn't even a part of my life two weeks ago. although I guess you could say the same thing for Malfoy.

Slytherin won the match. Since the Weasley army (mostly) left Hogwarts our team really went downhill. Of course I would never admit so to Malfoy but this time, Slytherin really did deserve to win.

Malfoy had been acting kind of weirdly the whole afternoon but I wasn't sure if I was just reading too much into it. Recently I'd found myself acting a sort of strangely around him too. I couldn't help but laugh at his jokes no matter how dumb they were, and sometimes looking at his stupid face would make me smile.

Draco was becoming one of my favourite people. I genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. If you'd told me at the start of the school year, I'd have Draco Malfoy as one of my best friends and roommates, there's no way in hell I would've believed you.

A pale arm suddenly grabs my arm and I find myself being pulled off the path away from the crowds of students. He pulls me further away from the path, pointedly not looking at me, simply staring straight ahead. In 2nd year I would sworn we would be about to murder me; now the thought doesn't even cross my mind. I trust him too completely.

He walks for a few minutes into the woods until we can't even hear the chaos of the other students. My arm is practically numb from his tight grip but I don't complain.

He turns and faces me; his blonde hair plastered to his face, his robes bunching together in very flattering ways, his eyes a bright mixed of determined and flustered. I have to say, the rain does favours for this boy- he's never looked hotter. Although, his yule ball outfit really was something else.

Surprised by where my train of thought has taken me, I quickly try to divert my attention and finally ask him,

"Draco? What're you...?" I say, confused and not sure what I should be thinking.

"I'm sorry Harry, I just couldn't wait anymore."

This doesn't help my confused thoughts, and I'm just about to question him again.

The rain hammers down on us when he pushes his mouth against mine and I stop thinking all together.

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