Chapter 16

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Day 15

I was walking to class; Malfoy had decided to go ahead with Jamie. It was a bit futile but we wanted to pretended that we weren't that close.

It sounds really pathetic and clingy and I would rather die than tell him this but I missed him. Walking along the corridor, I wanted to point out a group of lost looking first years, I wanted to show him the painting I had been talking about the other day. It seems so lame, but after living with him for the past two weeks, I really didn't want to go without him, even if it was just for a brief walk.

I was (unsuccessfully) trying to work out a way to not be so much of a simp, when I heard someone calling out my name.

"Harry! Slow down mate, Harry!"

I spin around, trying to locate the source of the voice. Neville's thrashing around on the stairs a few paces behind me, almost knocking over some tiny lower-schoolers.

I wait to the side for him to catch up, deciding that that's the way he can inflict the least damage.

"Harry, can I have a word?"

"Sure," I say, not really sure what it'll be about. I love Neville, but were not exactly the bestest of friends. "We've got some time before class."

We head outside, and find a little bench in the corner of the courtyard. It's kind of awkward, and I begin to get nervous, internally spiralling about what he might want to ask me. Not wanting him to ask the first question, I decide to break the silence.

"So how are you and Hannah?"

A smile breaks out across his lips and that's basically all I need to know.

"It's great, really good. She's amazing and I really enjoy spending time with her. I can't believe I never really spoke to her before all this, I can't imagine going back to that.

"How are you and Draco?"

Panic builds in my chest and I wonder if he knows. Surely, he can't, right? I decide to try and play it cool, but not be too distant that its clearly fake.

"It's pretty good, he's actually a kind of decent person once you get to know a little more. He's really good with Jamie too."

He doesn't look convinced.

"Harry, I mean with you and him, the way that he looks at you, you're clearly more than friends."

My heart plummets. If he knows then who else does? I think about denying it, pretending he didn't get it exactly right. But I trust Neville. And it would feel so good to finally be able to talk about it with someone.

"Okay, yes, I guess we're together or whatever you wanna call it. We've made out a couple times. But its not just like that, I really like him Nev; when you get to know him, he's utterly amazing. I just want to spend all my spare time with him. And you should see how good he is with Jamie, it's just..." I say, unable to find words as a smile grows on my face. God I'm stupid.

I look over at my friend. He smiles reassuring back.

"Good for you, man. I'm really glad you're happy. God knows you deserve it... shit we better get to class, have you seen the time?"

We walk into class, only a couple minutes late. Most of the heads in the room turn as we walk in. One blonde head stays staring down at the table, and I would bet anything that's there's a smirk on his face.  

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