Chapter 9

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I wake up with an absolutely banging headache. I look over and Draco is still sleeping. I have literally no memory of what happened last night at the party so I decide he probably needs the sleep. I probably need to ask someone about how the party ended.

McGonagall said we have to be at the transfiguration room to pick up our babies just before lunch. Desperate to fix my head, I choose to take a quick walk outside, hoping that the fresh air will help. I sneak out of our room without waking sleeping beauty.

I've barely left our dorm before I hear sniffling coming from one of the window alcoves. And although my hangover wants nothing more than to leave this person and go back to sleep, I can't just leave this person.

"Hermione?" I ask, not expecting it to be her quietly crying alone, "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

"Harry... I'm okay, I'm just not ready to get Daisy back yet, I must be the worlds worst mother!" she says through sobs.

"It's okay, everyone's been struggling, there was always going to be a steep learning kerb. Don't worry about it, it doesn't really matter its only a doll." I say, trying to console her. It felt strange to see my logical, rational friend in hysterics like this.

"But Harry, you don't get it! It does matter! When me and Ron have children, I won't be good enough and I can't..."

"Look, that'll be years away, you'll have ages more to prepare and you'll both be older and wiser and..."

"Harry, just stop! Look I'm pregnant, it won't be 'years away' and I'm going to be the world's worst mother!"

I stare at her, utterly stunned.

"You're what?!"

She starts to reply, but before she can answer, I wrap my arms around her and gush, "Hermione that's amazing! Congrats!! Does Ron know yet?"

"Not yet" she says slowly, somewhat confused at my reaction, "I was going to tell him when this was all over and we'd know we were going to be good parents. But we're doing miserably – this isn't just some school project; this will be my life soon."

"Hermione you'll be an amazing parent," I cry, unable to contain my excitement. I pull back and look her in the eyes and continue, "Don't let this project define you. I mean you practically parented me; I certainly wouldn't be here if you weren't looking after me!" She giggles softly at that and I know I must be helping at least a little, "But seriously, you are this incredible, intelligent person. You could do literally anything you wanted to! I mean in third year you literally turned time to study practically every course imaginable. And Ron is so kind and loyal. I know he loves you more than anything. He'll stay by your side and be an amazing dad. Every new parent struggles initially and it's only been a week don't let that discourage you. You will be amazing; any child would be lucky to have you two as parents."

"Thank you harry," she whispers, wrapping her arms around me. "Wait Harry, are you crying?"

"Shut up"


By the time I wake up, Harry's gone. I'm subtly pleased about that. That I can have a few moments to myself before Hurricane Potter comes back. I shower, get dressed and settle down with a book and coffee. But just as I find my page, Harry comes buzzing though the door and starts flapping around the room, hopelessly trying to get the baby stuff together despite the fact that we've still got hours of free time left.

"Woah Potter, slow down; are you okay? You were gone for ages and now you're bouncing off the walls. Are you doing drugs or something" I say, amused at whatever state it is that he's in.

"Oh, hi Malfoy. I'm just excited, I just heard some good news!"

"If you just won the lottery, I feel entitled to some as compensation for all this." I joke, gesturing around to all of his chaos, right as he somehow knocks all of my books of the shelf.

"Nah shut up Malfoy. Look I really really really shouldn't be telling you this but you can keep a secret right? Okay please don't tell anyone I told you this,,, nah I can't tell you, but I have to, okay seriously guard this with your life or I'm dead, but I'll explode if I don't tell anyone, okay, here we go, Hermione's pregnant!!!"

"Damn" It was definitely not what I had been expecting. Good for Weasley. Honestly though, I didn't care too much about their lives. I was just thinking about how damn cute Potter looked right now. He was so excited and caring, just like some sort of innocent toddler who'd just been given a balloon or something. But I shouldn't be thinking like that, I shake my head as if I could physically shake these thoughts out. Obviously, it was pretty unsuccessful.

"Okay now please forget what I told you," the curly haired boy tells me, "Let's go get our baby."

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