Chapter 12

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Unlike last Sunday, McGonagall didn't give us the whole day off from our babies. Secretly I was glad about that. Jamie had become such an integral part of my life; I honestly don't know if I could go a whole day without him. However, the headmistress did give us the afternoon off so that we could watch the quidditch game.

It was Gryffindor vs Slytherin- because... well of course it was.

Poor Potter was all worked up about the game. He'd spent the entire morning covering his face with elaborate gold and red face paint. He'd even put some on Jamie, even though he wouldn't be coming. It was sweet though, to see him so passionate about something, especially after Defence against the Dark Arts the other day.

We walked down from the castle as a big group, 2 by 2. Pansy and Blaine walked ahead, swinging their joint arms. Luna and Ginny walked behind them arm in arm, both sporting huge lion head-dresses, clearly made by Lovegood. Ron and Hermione followed behind us, his arm around her waist and I could hear her telling him off for forgetting a coat.

Harry makes some sort of joke about having all of these couples around us and grabs my hand for a second. I laugh and our eyes meet for a second. I have to drop his hand. Suddenly it stopped being two friends just messing around and became something else. I try to push those thoughts out of my mind and focus on something else.

Of course it was raining. In fact, it looked as if there was a pretty intense storm coming. I didn't mind the weather, it almost made it more fun. It was no weather to play quidditch in but we all knew Hogwarts didn't bother with health and safety especially where quidditch was concerned.

I laugh out loud and Harry looks at me confused.

"Don't stress Potter, everything just reminds me of when we used to almost kill each other on the pitch."

"Which time?" he replied, teasingly. For a second, I wonder if he's trying to flirt before I realise that I really need to find something else to think about.

I punch his arm as we file up the stairs to the Slytherin stalls.

For the last week, there had been a big argument between Potter and I about where we'd sit during the match since we obviously had very divided views.

It had been Pansy's idea that finally resolved it, after our constant fighting had driven everyone else crazy. "Okay, you two fuckers listen up, whichever of you can wear no underwear for a whole day gets to choose where you sit. Happy now?"

Harry looked absolutely aghast by that suggestion, as the table erupted into laughter and shouting around us.

"No way in hell am I doing that!"

"Come on Potter, where's your Gryffindor sense of adventure?"

So he sat down, only slightly stroppily beside me. A red and gold sun in the sea of Slytherin green. To be fair to him he wasn't being that much of a sore loser.

"I still can't believe you actually did the dare Malfoy,, that's crazy."

"Bold of you to assume that I normally wear underwear Potter." I say, raising my eyebrows somewhat suggestively.

Harry blushes and his eyes pop. For a second I wonder if I've gone too far.

"Kidding Potterrrrrr, keep your robe on."

He blushes even harder and I know I'm not misreading the signs. The way this boy looks at me. He doesn't even try to hide it anymore.

I barely watch the game. Every second I get, I watch the golden boy next to him. His gold face paint sparkles as the lightning flashes in the distance. Water runs down in his face and he keeps raking his hand though his hair in a useless attempt to get it out of his face. He eyes light up at every goal; he cares so much about this stupid match and it's so cute.

I've lived with this boy for almost two weeks after silently watching him for eight years. And under this stormy sky I know that I love him.

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