Chapter 7

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Like McGonagall had promised, today was the one day we didn't have to care for our babies.

It felt strange, handing in our son to someone else. I know he's not real and they'll probably just deactivate the dolls for twenty-four hours. Recently I have to keep reminding myself that he's not real. It's becoming easier and easier to forget.

I feel strangely empty without Jamie. There's a lot less to carry and my arms feel too light without him in them. I can tell Harry feels the same way. Once we'd dropped Jamie off and arrived back at our room, he'd started to make up at bottle on autopilot. I had had to remind him that we didn't have a baby today to feed.

We spent most of our free day sleeping. Every night this week, Jamie had woken up at least three times a night screaming an ear-piercing yell. I need my beauty sleep and had not adjusted well to this new regime. From the heavy bags under Harry's eyes it was clear that he needed this day of rest as much as I did.

After a long day of nothing, we headed down to dinner. Someone had removed all of the highchairs and that meant me and Harry had to sit directly next to each other. I don't mind being around him as much as I used to. He's kinda chill and he's being decent about the whole baby thing. We speak to each other over dinner; a whole world apart from last week when we would pointedly look away and actively avoid conversing.

"So, what do you dickwads have planned for tonight?" Pansy asked, eloquently as ever.

No one answered her. Even after a week, some of the Gryffindors still hadn't adapted to Pansy's ways.

"Oh come on... it's our last night of freedom before another couple weeks babysitting. And I know none of you have done anything but sleep all day so don't try and use that as an excuse. Oooh I know!! We should have a party tonight!!"

Faces turned away, no one wanting to commit to Pansy's plans. Luna eventually broke the silence,

"That sound like fun, we could play party games like truth of dare."

Seeing her roommate enthusiastic, Ginny decided to join in too.

"I've got a couple of bottles of Firewhiskey that I snuck in; I'd been waiting for a good time to open them."

I was surprised at that, who knew the Weaslette had guts. I guess when you thought about who she was related too, a rebellious streak seemed inevitable. Suddenly I respected the Weaslette a little bit more.

"But where should we go, we won't all fit in to one of our dorm rooms?"

Pansy looked stumped for a minute before coming up with an answer. Pansy always had an answer.

"How about the Room of Requirement? I've used it a couple times when I need somewhere to... well..."

I look over at Harry, about to ask if he was down for it. Before the words even leave my mouth, he nods, a smile on his face. I smile back. With Pansy in control, truth or dare and alcohol; tomorrow night sure would be interesting. 

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter, the next one is something I'm looking forward too


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