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Madison's POV
After I found out I was 3 months pregnant, the bump popped out 2 days later. Faith was ecstatic to be Baby Hood's godmom. So the other people I had to tell first was Dylan and Ellery.

I drove to their parents' house where they were. I went inside with my key and there they were outside with Dana and Carl. So I sat down with them. "Hey guys, I have an announcement to make. Calum and I are gonna need your guys' help in 6 months." Dana and Carl were trying to figure out what I meant by that while Ellery screamed. Ellery kept slapping Dylan and saying "Holy Shit!!!" Dana finally figured it out. "Addy, are you really pregnant?" I said "Yes!"

Dana, Carl, Dylan, Ellery, and I had a group hug. "I wanted to ask you something. Dana and Carl, will you be this baby's grandparents? Because you always have treated me like one of your own and took me in when my parents kicked me out." Dana teared up, "Yes of course. I'll be this baby's grandma." Carl agreed. Dylan took a self timer pic to capture this moment and said "This is gonna be part of the scrapbook we're making for Baby Hood."

We talked for awhile until I had to go tell Tyler, Dyl, Crystal, Shelley, and Holland. I told them to meet me at my penthouse.

Madison's Penthouse
"You're wondering why I asked you guys to come. Well... You're gonna be aunts and uncles soon. Calum and I are expecting." Holland, Shelley, and Crystal jumped from the couch out of excitement. While Tyler and Dylan congratulated me. Tyler said "I'm so gonna spoil this baby." Dylan laughed, "So am I. I'm gonna be the cool uncle." They all left as Calum was gonna drive over here with Luke, Ashton, and Michael.

Calum opened the front door, "Babe, are you here?" I shouted "Yeah, I'm here." I walked to where him and the boys were. "So Luke, Ash, Mikey, there's something Calum and I have to tell you. Calum, how about you go first?" Calum blurted out "You all are gonna be uncles in March." Luke's mouth was open. Michael was in a shocked state while Ashton was still processing this. Michael was the one to stand up and hug us. We celebrated by playing games.

I realized I had to go to Sydnie's house where Ava and Ashley were too. I made them the gift which would announce my pregnancy.

 I made them the gift which would announce my pregnancy

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I went there and knocked. Isla let me in. I walked to Sydnie's room. "Hey guys. I wanted to give you gifts." Ava being suspicious, "What are the gifts for?" I spoke, "Open it in 3... 2... 1!!!" They opened it and Ashley squealed. "OMG, you're pregnant." I nodded, "Let's FaceTime Tate and Anna to let them know."

My phone rang as we were trying to FaceTime them. Tate answered first, "Hello." "Hold on, Tate. Let me add Anna. (Anna answers) Okay, I have an announcement. How would you guys like to be promoted from best friends to aunties in March." Anna gasped and dropped her phone out of excitement. Sydnie laughed at the fact that Anna dropped her phone. Tate screamed, "FUCK YES."

The girls were excited to be aunts and I was excited to become a first time mommy

Different -Josh Richards/Calum Hood ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now