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Instead of black, They had ended up buying a purple dye. It was a last minute decision, but Rosie didn't mind.

Her hair was already blonde, so they didn't have to bleach it, which Rosie was thankful for. She had already done it once and didn't want to do it again.

Jennie spread the paint-like material into her friend's hair with her glove covered hands.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Rosie asked nervously.

Jennie nodded. "Positive."

The smile on Jennie's face was the only thing that made her want to do this. This girl could really make her do anything, couldn't she?

She would dye her hair a million colors if she had to just to see her smile.

Jennie's smile fit her face very much. It had the same comforting tone that her eyes did and this made Rosie love it.

She spread the dye farther down into her hair, making sure she had covered the ends and then making her way back to the top.

While she was spreading it around on the top of her head, she accidentally got some on the formally blonde's forehead, causing her to giggle.

This made Rosie laugh too, lifting her hand up and attempting to wipe it off, but it only spread, causing them to laugh even more.

Jennie then wrapped Rosie's hair up in a neat bun and put a clear shower cap over her head.

"Let it sit for a while, then you can wash it out and wait for it to dry." Jennie explained and Rosie nodded.

They sat in front of the television screen, on the floor, for the time being.

About thirty minutes into a show they were watching, Jennie began to speak.

"I'm spending the night Martin's tonight. Are you okay staying at home?" She explained.

Rosie frowned. "Oh. Uh, yeah that's okay." She smiled forcefully.

Jennie smiled back. "Okay."

She was at least happy that Jennie was happy.


When it came time to wash the dye out, they both strolled into the bathroom.

"Lean over the bathtub." Jennie instructed and Rosie did as she was told.

Jennie rubbed her hands through her best friend's hair, purple water trailing from her head to the drain.

Rosie starved for any kind of human contact. As pitiful as it sounded, she never got the affection most people did as a child. Therefore, everytime Jennie touched her in such a way, she couldn't help but melt into it.

Jennie continued to scrub through her hair, eventually adding shampoo into it until it no longer leaked purple liquid.

She wrapped Rosie's hair up in a towel and lead her into the living room. They yet again parked themselves in front of the T.V screen and continued their show while Jennie dried Roseanne's hair with the baby blue towel. Rosie was sure it was going to get stained, but Jennie didn't seem to care.

She released Rosie's hair from the towel and parted her hair back to its original style.

"Go look at it." Jennie ordered and Rosie hopped off the floor and excitedly made her way to the mirror.

Her hair was still damp, but it was no longer soaked thanks to Jennie. Rosie smiled at what she saw.

"Thank you, Jennie." She said, nearly opening her arms for a hug, but stopped herself, not wanting to make Jennie uncomfortable.

To her suprise, Jennie wrapped her arms around her waist and lifted her up the slightest bit.

"It looks so good on you!" She exclaimed. And Rosie nodded.

"I think so too." She said


They exchanged a smile before the phone started to ring, startling them both.

Jennie skipped towards the phone and took it off the hook, putting it to her ear.

"Hello? Oh hey, Martin."

Rosie frowned, but she couldn't help but notice that Jennie didn't talk to her boyfriends like they did in the movies.

No smiling at the phone or twirling the cord around her finger. None of that. Jennie acted like he was just her friend.

But Rosie had never had a boyfriend so she wouldn't know what it was like.

She hung up the phone and gave Rosie a sas look.

"Martin is picking me up now. Is that okay?"

The purple haired girl knew that this meant Jennie needed her to leave, so she nodded happily even though she felt the complete opposite on the inside.

Why did she hate it when Jennie hung out with Martin so much? Rosie had always convinced herself it was because she thought Martin would replace her.

She grabbed her shoes, slipped them on, and headed out the door, barely giving Jennie a wave as she left.

She walked down the almost empty streets, a tear slipping from her eye as she quickly wiped it away.

She was being dramatic. Why did she hate the fact that Jennie and Martin were dating so much?

She roamed down the midnight streets, taking interest in small things, such as a car or the way a certain tree looked. She took her time so she didn't have to go home so quick.

When she, sadly, reached her house, she opened the front door and quietly snuck into her room.

She successfully made it without getting tangled up in an argument with her brother.

She plopped onto her bed and almost immediately fell asleep due to the exhaustion.

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