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July 4th, 2004

Jennie had already broken up with Martin, so she and Rosie sit happily together in Jack's living room.

Jennie is putting Rosie's hair into braids while the latter in flipping through a binder full of pictures with their friends.

"I like this one." Rosie says, pointing to a picture of Jennie, who looks caught off guard, like she didn't knew the picture was being taken.

Jennie scoffed. "I hate that picture." Shw complains. "That one is better."

Jennie is pointing to a picture of Rosie. She's at the local pool, but it's dark in there. She remembers that night when they all snuck in there a long time ago. Her feet are dangling into the water and her long blonde hair is tied up in a ponytail.

Rosie blushes at Jennie's comment.

Holly has already found out that they like eachother. It's quite obvious unless you're Jack, who is oblivious to everything.

He stands at the counter, making coffee even though it's 11:30 pm. They were all planning on pulling and all nighter so they could watch the fireworks together.

Holly sits on a chair in the corner watching the other two girls in awe.

"Cute." She mutters to herself. Jennie and Rosie are well aware that she knows as well as the fact that Jack doesn't.

The firework show in town starts at 12 am. None of the four could afford to go, and they could see the fireworks from the big window in Jack's apartment, so they figured it would be okay to watch them from there.

"Thrity more minutes." Jack says, glances at Jennie who gives Rosie a quick kiss on the cheek, still looking through pictures.

Jack looks back at the window and takes a sip of coffee before almost choking on the liquid and turning back.

"Did you just kiss her on the cheek?" He asks.

Holly notices this and perks up. Jennie just smiles and looks back at the photobook

"Yeah. They like eachother. Catch up, Jack." Holly says, making Rosie giggle.

"Huh?" Jack asks, not quite grasping the concept.

"Gosh, you're so stupid." Holly says, getting up and going into Jack's room to search for snacks.

"You guys like eachother?"Jack questioned once Holly was gone. Jennie nodded, only making Jack tilt his head.

"Like, romantically?"

"No, platonically." Jennie says sarcastically. "Yes, we like eachother romantically." She says with a small laugh.

Jack smiles at this. "Wow." is all he says and turns to the window, where a big red firework shoots into the sky.

"Guys!" He calls. "It's starting!"

Holly rushes out of the room with a pack put sour patch kids and a ring pop, admiring the pretty fireworks bursting into the sky.

Jennie gives Rosie a small kiss to the lips and they, too, rush over to the window to watch the action.

And nobody could've made this moment more perfect.

One more chapter 😳

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