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!! When I put ×× In the story that where the part starts that I think you should listen to the song at. (Nights With You-MØ) <33

Rosie stands in her kitchen, eating straight out of the ice cream tub.

As she's licking the spoon, Oliver comes in the kitchen and snatches the tub from her, slamming it back into the freezer before slapping her in the face. It was similar to last time, except they were the only ones here.

"You never do anything around the house!" He exclaimed. "All you do is sit around and eat and I do all the work!"

Rosie holds her hand to her cheek, hurt.

"Bullshit!"She exclaims back. "I wash the dishes, clean, cook and you sit around and drink all the time and hang out with your asshole friends!" Shs shoots back.

This makes Oliver mad. Rosie knows that the only reason he's getting angry at her is because he's been drinking. Otherwise, this wouldn't just come out of nowhere.

"You're lucky Alice pays the rent for us." Oliver mumbles.

"Yeah. Poor Alice. Can't even pay for the things she needs because she has to pay her drunk little brother's rent." Rosie mumbled.

The only thing stopping her from living with Alice is the fact that she live at the university.

She could wait another year to live with Alice, but by then she would eighteen, so it would be unnecessary.

She puts her spoon in the sink and walks out of the door, slamming it behind her.


Jennie's made up her mind. She is going to tell Rosie how she feels and hope that their friendship isn't ruined.

She still doesn't know what it is. The closest thing she's thought of that seems accurate is a crush. Does she have a crush on Rosie?

It didn't seem possible. To her suprise, her doorbell rang. Jennie groaned and got out of bed. Her dad was currently at work and her mother was probably out drinking again.

She opens the door to Rosie immediately falling into her arms with short, quiet sobs, her salty tears soaking Jennie's baby pink sweater.

She didn't mind, though. She didn't know what was upsetting Rosie, but she hugged her back, if that's what it took to make her feel better.

"It's okay, Rosie." Jennie comforted, petting her friend's hair softly.

Rosie pulled away and wiped her tears. "Oliver us drinking again. I think I hate him, Jennie. I think I actually hate him."

"That's okay." Jennie said, wiping a stray tear from Rosie's cheek. "It's okay to hate him. You have every right."

Rosie smiled and looked up at Jennie. Jennie gave her a sweet smile and a friendly pat on the shoulder.

A few moments later of sitting in a comfortable silence, Rosie smiles and leans her head on Jennie's shoulder. "Do you want to bake some cookies?" She asked.

Jennie nodded. "Of course."

The two girls get up and take put all the ingredients they need for chocolate chip cookies.

In the middle of baking, Jennie smudges Flour all over Rosie's nose who smiles. To Jennie's surprise, she doesn't do anything, she just continues to bake.

They put together the ingredients and began to mix them in the mixing bowl.

Rosie unsuspectingly smudges chocolate on Jennie's cheek, who throws her head back in a laugh.


Jennie stares at her for moment, smiling at the girl in front of her. She isn't sure what to do. Should she say something or continue to bake?

She does neither. She just sits there. Rosie is the first one to move. Jennie is sure she's going to go back to cooking.

Rosie leans in.

Jennie's heart skips a beat at this action as the two girls inch closer together. Jennie can't wait any longer, so she closes the gap in between them.

Fireworks spark in the air and butterflies swarm in their stomach. Rosie pulls away a moment after, eyes wide.

Jennie has the same expression, except a faint smile on her face. What if Rosie didn't like it. Any minute now. Jennie thinks. Any minute she's going to run away and never speak to me again.

Rosie doesn't, though. Instead, she pulls Jennie into a big hug and Jennie hugs back. 

bye this is so bad like 🤢 jahdksh i'm so bad at writing kissing scenes like AUGDHUGGHACKGHA it's so bad

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