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Rosie woke up the the sound of tapping on her door. Instinctively, she covered her face up with her blanket so the intruder couldn't see her.

Her body relaxed, however, when she saw the silhouette of Jennie Kim in her door way.

"Rosie?" She whispered. "Are you awake?"

"I am." Rosie answered.

They stood silent for a moment before Jennie walked towards her and plopped herself on the girl's bed. She put her head on the purple haired girl's shoulder, making the latter's breathing hitch.

"I wanna take you out tonight." Jennie simply said.

"What?" Rosie questioned. "I thought you were staying with Martin tonight."

Jennie shrugged. "I don't care about him. I guess he'll just have to wake up alone."

Rosie smiled. "Okay."

Without hesitation, They both got up and quietly walked out the door, trailing down the stairwell of Rose's apartment building.

Rosie found the Jennie had taken her bike, so She hopped on her own and they rode off into the night.

They rode mindlessly through the city streets, not sure where they were going, but they didn't care.

The fresh scent of summer was filling their nostrils as they laughed at stupid jokes. The wind made their hair flow freely as they peddled down the streets.

Jennie told Rosie about how boring Martin's house was tonight, making the purple haired beauty remember about how she was always the second choice, but right now she didnt care. She was with Jennie, in this moment. Focus on the present moment.

They eventually stopped peddling when they reached a small park and they locked their bikes up on the bike racks.

"I'll race you there." Jennie said playfully to which she immediately left Rosie behind, running up to the swings, giggling like a kindergartner at recess.

Rosie caught up not too long after and they both made it to the swings at the same time.

They swing silently and slowly before Jennie inched closer and rested her head on Rosie's shoulder just like she did before they left.

"I wish I could spend every night with you." Jennie said, almost like a sigh.

Rosie leaned her head to the side a bit so that she was not resting on Jennie as well. She hummed in response, agreeing with Jennie's statement.

They stayed like this for a while before Jennie lifted her head up, which forced Rosie to do the same.

"Let's go." She waved Rosie back towards the entrance of the park where their bikes were.

"I know somewhere we can go." She simply said as she hopped onto her bike and started to ride through the breeze along with her best friend.

When they reached their destination, Rosie frowned.

"My mom warned me about this place."She said. "She always told me not to mess around here."

Jennie shrugged, the wind blowing her hair to the side. "Who cares? We're here now."

Rosie smiled at this.

Jennie had lead her to a place near the beach. It had tons of big rocks scattered around, water flowing in between each of them.

Rosie almost fell into the small waves of water coming up onto the rocks before Jennie caught her.

"Be careful." She warned. She pulled Rosie close to  her side, causing the latter's heart to practically beat out of her chest.

They eventually reached a spot where there was only sand, no water. Jennie sat down on the sand and motioned for Rosie to do the same.

They watched the waves in a comfortable silence, Jennie leaning her head onto Rose's shoulder yet again.

Suddenly, Jennie jerked her head up from Rosie's shoulder, suprising the latter.

"You okay?" She asked and Jennie only nodded putting her head back into its previous spot.

The rest of the night, Jennie seemed to be acting like her usual self, only a bit fidgety.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rosie asked in concern.

Jennie nodded. "Just a bit worried."

"About what?" Rosie questioned.

"Martin." She answered.

"And why is that?"

Jennie stared at the ground for a moment, as if she was contemplating what to say.

"I think I want to break up."

They were no longer riding their bikes, but walking down the road with them by their sides.


"I just don't think it's working out." She said plainly.

Rosie didn't push any further, though she knew it had to be deeper than that. Jennie wasn't the type to just break up with someone spontaneously just because it "wasn't working out."

Rosie didn't worry, though. She knew she could probably just talk to Jennie about it later.

Jennie intertwined her hand with Rosie's as they walked together, back to Rosie's apartment.

I suck at ending chapters ✌ anyway, all the chapters will probably be this length. Feel free to comment because i love reading them ! I hope yall enjoyed ! <33

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