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!! Long(er) chapter ahead !! Love you all <33

Rosie leaned her back against the fridge, Chatter filling the room. Martin was all over Jennie, like usual, but Jennie seemed to be uncomfortable this time.

"Hey."  She heard someone say from beside her. She jumped slightly, relaxing at the sight of Jack Thompson. Jack, Jennie, and Holly were the only ones of the group she could trust. She felt unsafe, almost, with the others.

"What's wrong with Jennie? She seems distant?" He questioned. Rosie remembered what Jennie had told her last night, but she wasnt sure if she should tell Jack of Jennie's business, so she just shrugged.

"Don't know."

"Didn't you guys hang out last night?" He asked.

"Did she tell you?"

"Yeah." Jack answered.

"She didn't say anything to me. I'm not sure ." She took a sip of her blueberry slurpee and directed her eyes to Jennie.

Jack was a small boy. He often wore oversized clothes due to his luck of finding anything that fits him. At 17 years old, you'd think that he'd already gone through his growth spurt and puberty and what not, but you'd be wrong.

In fact, everyone here was taller than him. Rosie wasn't entirely sure how he became friends with these people. They were considered "cool" and someone like Jack isn't considered to be like them. Though Rosie thinks he's cool.

Holly was the opposite, though. She and Jack were inseparable. They were basically attached to the hip. Holly had thick blonde hair that came down to her waist and pretty green eyes. She was the average height for someone her age. She was considered cool because of her looks. She was beautiful, making Rosie extremely jealous.

Jack had curly black hair and deep brown eyes. His skin was fair and he had a small nose. Sure she found Jack attractive, the same for Holly, but she only thought of them as friends.

"Hey, guys take a sip of this." Oliver said excitedly, tossing an alcohol bottle towards Ari's Direction.

Oliver was the leader of their pack. He was the definition of cool. He smoked, drank, he had the looks, the personality.

Ari had tan skin and, thick black hair. She thought she was the prettiest girl in the world and constantly tried to get guys' attention. She got disgusted over everything and claimed to be an "extreme germaphobe"

Crystal and Benjamin were quiet most of the time. They were like the side characters that no one ever really sees. They were considered cool as well, but only because they hung out with Oliver and his friends.

Rosie only hung out with them because Jennie was dating Martin and they were her Brother's friends.

Jennie took a swig of the drink, making Rosie look away in disgust. She could never understand how people did that.

"Here, Roseanne." Oliver handed her the bottle to which she looked at hesitantly.

"Don't be a coward." He said, making the others laugh. Jennie didn't laugh, though. Rosie could hear Jennie's laugh from miles away. She wasn't sure about Jack and Holly, but she was sure they wouldn't laugh at something as stupid as that.

"You don't have to do it, Rosie." Jennie said, causing the group to give her looks.

Rosie shook her head, but took the bottle and chugged down a big drink only to gag afterward. The group cheered for her, making her feel almost... wanted? it made her feel happy even though the drink was disgusting.

Jennie approached her a few minutes after the whole ordeal. She put her hand on top of Rosie's and smiled.

"You know how I said that I wish I could spend ever night with you?" Jennie asked, to which Rosie nodded.

"Well.." She trailed off. "Maybe I could, like, I don't know. Call you ? Like every night ? Then we can, like spend the night together technically."

If she was being honest, Rosie had never seen Jennie nervous. She never got nervous.

Rosie smiled. "I'd like that."

Jennie smiled back. "Good. I mean, Great. I mean.. cool." She stifled and awkward laugh, making Rosie giggle.



That night , Jennie waited impatiently for Rosie to call her, since that's what they agreed on.

It was almost 10pm and Jennie was sure that her friend was asleep.

Everytime the phone rings, she feels butterflies in her stomach in hopes that it's rosie.

The familiar sound of the telephone rang throughout the house as Jennie jumped up and raced towards it, picking it up off the hook and put it to her ear.


She slammed the phone down on the hook and sighed.

"Hey, hey. Let's not slam it down so hard. Who was it?" Her father asked, eyeing his daughter suspiciously.

"telemarketers." She groaned.

"Who are you waiting for anyways?" Her father asks, taking a sip from his coffee cup, which had tea in it.

"Rosie." She answered, plopping back down on the couch, sadly.

"Why are you so eager to talk to her? You can see her tomorrow."

"She promised to call." Jennie states, groaning again and leaning her head back on the couch.

"It's okay. She probably just forgot." He reasons, but this only makes Jennie perk up. "Forgot?"

"Or something..." her father says, realizing his mistake. "You know what? She's probably just busy."

"at 10pm?" Jennie questions.

"You never know." Her dad shrugs.


Rosie shot up out of bad.  She mumbles curse words to herself as she runs downstairs towards her phone. She promised to call Jennie tonight and it's already 12 am.

Rosie's sure that Jennie is sleeping, but she gives a try anyways, her fingers mindlessly pressing numbers with them being so used to pressing in Jennie's number.

The phone barely rang before someone picked up.


Rosie was confused by her rather fast movements, but spoke into the phone.

"Hey Jennie."


Jennie was curled up on a chair next to the phone, only to be startled by the loud ringing in her ear.

She got up and quickly jerked the phone off of the hook.

"Hello?" She asked into the phone. There was a pause of silence before someone spoke.

"Hey, Jennie."

"Rosie!" Jennie exclaimed happily.

The two talked until 4 am, Jennie claiming that she might as well pull an all nighter and Rosie yawning into the phone and telling her she should get some rest.

Jennie, of course ignores Rosie's request. She gets up out of the chair she was sitting in and sat herself down at the kitchen table.

She started to make herself a cup of coffee, her stomach empty at the thought of waiting all day to see Rosie.

Why was she so eager to see her? Why was Jennie feeling different around her for some reason? She wasn't sure why, but she had been appreciating Rosie's company more than before if that was even possible.

But now, it was a different kind of appreciation. Something she couldn't quite understand.

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