Chapter 5

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The rough bouncing of the car made Cara uncomfortable. Her eyes slowly peeled open and slowly moved around to observe her surroundings, her neck hurt badly. The windows were not tinted but were covered with mats. Through the netted mats she could see that it was completely dark outside. Her head felt heavy as she dropped it back on the seat. She tried to move her hand to massage her throbbing temples only to realise she was handcuffed behind her back. Her shoulders were screaming in pain at such odd angles as her arms were pulled back. She tried to wiggle her arms for a slight movement that might sooth the pain but in vain. The pain only increased the more she moved, the bouncing of the car was not helping either. She let out a strangled moan.

"Oh, look who's up," a voice said. Cara looked towards the voice and found Vincent's blue eyes staring back at her brown ones. His nose was clear of blood but had swollen a little and turned blue. Cara felt proud at what she did. Already lying down on the back seat of the car, she noticed that she was facing him. Instead of being afraid and panicking like any normal hostage would do, Cara remained calm but her eyes glared back at Vincent's amused ones with such intensity.

Only if looks could kill.

"You comfy back there?" Vincent mocked. Cara narrowed her eyes as she opened her mouth to curse him but could not. It finally came to her understanding that she was not only handcuffed but gagged with a cloth as well. Widening her eyes, she quickly glanced down at her feet only to see they were duct taped together. Slowly she lifted her head to face Vincent, her eyes clearly screaming everything her mouth wanted to say. Vincent gave her a huge smile when their eyes made contact. Crazy was written all over his face.

"You might have to stay in that pose for a few more minutes – thirty to be exact," he stated, "And then I'll untie your feet when we reach our destination."

And with that he turned back to the front as Cara tried to bring her handcuffed hands in-front of her by moving it under the feet. It was useless, though, as the car was very compact for her to move. She sighed, giving up, as the fiery pain in her shoulders increased with every movement she made. The effect of the chloroform from before and the splitting headache made her close her eyes and fall back asleep.


"Wake up."

A voice and continuous tugs on her legs from someone finally made Cara open her eyes. She groaned and tried to stretch but stopped when she realised the position she's in. She blinked her eyes and glanced towards the side door to see Vincent standing there. He gave her a crazed smile before pulling her up by her shoulder. The pulled made the raw pain in her shoulder arise. Cara winced but put up with it. She saw her feet already freed from the duct tape. She looked up at Vincent in hopes for him to set free her hands as well, however, he did not. Knowing what she wishing for, Vincent smiled.

"No can do, kitten," he said, bringing his now bandaged right hand up and gently rubbing it, "You've got claws and I'm not risking it."

Cara shifted her gaze from his face to his hand and smirked at the damage she did. It was not much but she hoped for it to last longer. Putting his hand back down, Vincent stepped aside to let her out of the car. She did, her legs were a little wobbly from being in the same position for God knows how long. She felt Vincent step closer to her back.

"Though," he carried on as she felt a tug on the cloth that had her gagged, "I will remove this."

And with that, the cloth came off of her mouth. Any normal hostage would have shouted for help but much to Vincent's surprise, Cara just glanced around her surroundings. It was not like anyone could come and save her. They seem to be somewhere very far. She was calm, too calm, as if she knew what she was doing. Her face was emotionless except for the furrowed eyebrows that, too, did not give much.

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