Chapter 7

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The sun rose quite quickly for Cara today. She groaned and pulled up the white duvet on her face to block the sunlight but it was in vain. The white bed duvet she covered herself with, instead of the blanket, was thin enough to soften the sun rays, allowing Cara to force herself to wake up. Sitting up on the bed; dazed, grumpy and eyes still closed, she moved her mouth a bit and frowned at the dry sensation of her tongue – she wanted water. Absent minded, she reached out to the table beside her bed for her water bottle, that she usually keeps, at but her hand met only air.

Her eyebrows knotted further. Peeling her eyes open, she turned her head to her right to see where she had kept it. There was no side table. She glanced around the unfamiliar room – her sleep long gone – now wide awake. Yesterday came crashing back to her when she finally realised where she was. Instead of worrying, she let out a loud groan of annoyance and flopped back onto the bed, covering her head with the pillow.

It is not that she was not afraid, as a matter of fact she was scared – more like surprised – in the beginning but then she remembered she did not have anyone waiting for her. Her parents died when she was only thirteen. She lived with her maternal grandparents but they also passed away when she was eighteen. Thank God she was an adult when they died. No uncles and aunts and no siblings. Her paternal grandparents disowned her father because he married a Christian, his family being all Jews. She did not know or care if her grandparents were alive or not. Her parents only had enough to run off, get married and have a small cosy home. They passed away in a bank shootout.

They did not leave much for her but she was happy that the house she lived in was her own and not rented. As long as she had a roof over her head and a meal three times a day, she was perfectly content with her life. She had quit the job as a waitress on the day she got kidnapped i.e Friday, so no-one would really know about her disappearance. She only had two friends and they will not know about her before Monday since they know she does not like socialising on the weekends. Jane did tell her to send a text when she reached home but knowing Cara, Jane would not care if she did or not.

Groaning in the pillow, she tossed it aside and got off the bed. Making her way towards the window, she stared outside then down towards the ground.

'I need to get out of here,' she thought. She may not be scared by her kidnappers but that certainly does not mean she would stay here and not try to escape. How would she pull that off, though? She is not an expert for these circumstances nor did she ever think about being kidnapped. Remembering all the kidnapping scenes she had read in books and watched in movies, she knew she had to try something different for her escape.

The sudden opening of her door startled her. She turned around only to see her captor leaning against the door and staring at her with a cunning smirk. Keeping a poker face, she stared back at him. She was not going to deny how handsome he was. However, he was not handsome enough for her to develop Stockholm syndrome – God forbid if she ever did develop this syndrome, she would rather kill herself and reunite with her parents.

If they had met like normal people, she might have thought about it, though.

His brown hair was silky enough to hold volume. His blue eyes were a striking shade of ocean and she knew his previous victims must have fallen for his eyes if they were girls. Judging by how casually he had kidnapped her, she was sure he had done it before. His angular face with chiselled jawline could make any girl's mouth water and when talking about his body, it was like God Himself carved him. However, she knew he was more than the looks he carried and for once she was thankful that she was the personality-over-appearance type of girl. His personality so far had her disgusted and amused – if that can ever be a combination. And by the glint in his eyes, she easily concluded he liked her feistiness as well.

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