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Victor sat on the chair with his hands cuffed to the centre of the table; the chains were long enough for him to move his hands around a bit. He did not know what happened. One minute he was putting everything in the car trunk and changing the tyre and in the next minute the police stormed the area, and told him to get down on his knees. He was immediately thrust in the police car and brought to the station. He was locked up for two days before finally being let out today and put in the questioning room. He had been sitting here for two hours already. They told him the detective wanted to have a word with him. He did not need a genius to tell him who this detective was.

As if on cue, the door of the room opened and a woman with black wavy hair that reached her lower back came in. She wore black skin-fitted jeans, a red shirt topped with a leather jacket. The heel of her boots clacked against the ground as she walked to the chair on the other side of the table. She sat down opposite to Victor, placed a pale yellow file on the table and linked her hands together. Victor's black eyes met her brown ones coated with kohl, her eyelashes were long and prominent because of the mascara and the eyeliner gave her eyes a sharp look.

"Victor Hunt," she spoke his name from her dark pink painted lips, "We have some things to discuss."

"Detective Alexis Shay," he spoke, "Nice to finally meet you."

Alexis searched his face for any signs of beating but thank goodness none were there. The old ones he got from the time when she smacked him with the frozen bottles, were fading as well. She had told the jail guard not to lay a single finger on him. She slid the file she brought with her towards Victor. Victor looked at her then at the file and then back at her. Her eyes did not seem emotionless or angry but they were soft. Although she had make-up on, the bruises on her face were still visible.

"I had my people do some research on you," she said in her soft voice, "I'm sorry about your mother."

Victor's features widened and looked away from her. He did not want her pity. All he wanted was to go back to his mother before anything happened to her. But considering the circumstances it might be difficult.

"They're not going to let you go," she said, "You are to be jailed for ten years."

Victor's head shot up. "Ten years? I-I can't. My mum needs me."

"I asked you to be honest with me back in the cabin," Alexis said her voice remained soft and calm, "I promised you I wouldn't disclose you but you never told me."

Victor shook his head, "I don't mind being in jail but ten years is too long. I'm the only earning hand in the family. We can't afford mum's medication."

"And you thought joining Vincent would be a good idea?" she fired.

"What else could I've done?" Victor snapped, "It's not like the government's going to pay for her treatment."

"You could've tried a better approach."

"Like what? Working?" when Alexis nodded, Victor continued, "I did. It wasn't enough."

"The matter hasn't reached the court yet," she explained, "This jail time is what the police officers think is the minimum punishment you'll get. Once both you and Vincent stand trial, a death sentence isn't an impossible feat considering all your actions."

Victor nodded his head. Alexis continued, "I talked to your mother yesterday."

"You did what?" Victor let out. His eyes held fear and he was close to panic. He did not want his mother to know he was in jail, let alone in the jail because he had been helping a killer.

"On the phone," she explained, "I told her you're in jail."

"No. No, no, no," Victor continued mumbling, his chained hands grabbed his forehead, "She wasn't supposed to know. She can't handle it. This will crush her."

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