Chapter 1

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 You were at school waiting for Trashykawa's flat ass when suddenly you got a phone call from your dad.

"Hey y/n, just so you know, I'm not gonna be at the store today. Think you can go and watch over?"

"Yeah sure dad." You replied. "Where are you going?"

"A friend of mine called and asked me to come and coach a volleyball team with him. I'm going there right now, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just waiting for Oikawa. He's taking his sweet, sweet time. OI FLAT ASS COME ON. Okay dad, Igottagoloveyoubye."

As soon as you hung up, Oikawa came running up to you.

"Can I be of any assistant to your bitch ass?" He asked with an attitude.

"Yes, actually." You replied with just as much attitude. "I was gonna ask you to walk me home, but now I need you to walk me to my dad's store and stay there with me because I am a w o m a n ."

"Uhh, okay sure. Can Iwa-chan come?"

"Ya sure that's fine."

He ran off screaming "iWa - ChAn~"

Iwaizumi came out with a very annoyed look on his face and we all started walking to the shop.

~ time skip to the shop ~

You, Iwa and Oikawa have been friends since middle school, so naturally, you were really close with both of them. You're a second year at Aobojoshai and love it there, other than Oikawa's psycho fans, it's great.

Once you guys arrived it was already late, because Oikawa wanted ice cream, and like the little brat that he is, he got his ice cream. As I sat at the counter, I saw a large group of boys making their way to the shop.

"How can I help you guys?" I asked. A short, orange-haired boy jumped up and said;

"MEAT BUNS." Damn that kid has a lot of energy considering how late it is. Oikawa looked at the boy standing next to the shorter one and immediately recognised him.

"Well y/n, looks like my mom's calling. I gotta go byeee", and with that he left. Now it was just you, Iwa, and this strange group of boys. Soon a tall boy with short brown came up to the counter and said;

"9 pork buns please."

I smiled and gave him the pork buns. I looked in the direction that Oikawa was looking in before he ran out and I came across this tall, black-haired boy. He looked very angry, and he didn't seem to smile much. But his raven hair rested perfectly on his forehead and his dark blue eyes were sparkling in the moonlight, when they suddenly pierced right into mine. Gosh he was cute, shit I'm staring. I quickly snapped my head to Iwaizumi who stole a meat bun.

"OI WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING", I yelled. Iwa jerked up and started sprinting out of the store, causing the group of guys to look at us.


With that he turned around and came walking back to you. He knew damn well that you'd do it because you've tried. You were all caught up with chasing Iwa that you didn't realize that you were standing right next to that really cute guy that you were staring at earlier. He was much taller and much scarier up close.

"U-uh s-sorry." you said shakily as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"Y-your g-g-ood don't w-worry about it." He said with a very visible blush on his face.

"OoooOOoooo KaGeYaMa Is BLuSHiNG~" the short boy exclaimed.

So his name is Kageyama. You thought. Interesting... wAiT did he say blushing??? I looked over at the black-haired boy, and he was indeed, blushing.

"BOKE HINATA BOKE", he yelled while chasing the small, oranged haired boy. Everyone burst out laughing. I looked to my side and Iwa was long gone. Oh he's gonna pay for this. You thought, but suddenly your thoughts were cut off by a man's voice.

"Sorry about them." He said with a laugh. "They cause a lot of trouble. I'm Sugwara by the way, but you can call me Suga" I looked up to see a gray-haired boy with the cutest little smile in the world. This boy literally looks like an angel.

"Oh I'm y/n." You replied. "I'd love to stay and talk, but I have to go back to work or my dad is gonna get mad. I'll see you guys around", and with that, we both headed in our own directions.

*Editor's note teehee* ngl I only worked on some grammar but other than that this was *chef's kiss* a m a z i n g . yALL BETTER LOVE AND SUPPORT THE AUTHOR BECAUSE THEY DESERVEEE ITTT. 

*A/n* lol yes I have my friend edit my stores because I can't do grammar for sheet.

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