chapter 6

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        It's been 4 days since you hung out with the hoe squad as well as your favorite Karasuno boys, and Kageyama's been acting a little weird since then. But, you just chose to ignore it, until one day after school he asked you.

"Hey y-Y/n? I, uhh... I have a question," He said as he jogged up to you.

"What's up?" You responded.

"S-So, uhh, uhm," it was obvious he was nervous.

"Alright," You said, beginning to get impatient. "Spit it out."

"O-Okay, well, uhh, so um, areyouandOikawadating." He said it so fast that you couldn't even understand what he was saying.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to repeat that." You said.

"I'm asking if y-you and O-Oikawa are d-d-dating." His ears were bright red at this point.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAJSHSDJSHDS NOOOOO! Oh my god no. We are not dating. We're just really close. I'm single my dude." You replied with a wink.

He let out the breath that apparently he didn't know he was holding and a wave of relief washed over him. But then he realized what you just did and just kinda stopped breathing. You let out a giggle at his cuteness.

You look behind Kageyama and spot your best friend Felix.

"Sorry Kags," You said. "but it seems my manz is waiting for me, so I gotta go. See ya!"

As you dashed to Felix, you noticed that he already had his arms wide open for you to run into them. You tackled him to the floor and hugged him tightly. You didn't notice Kageyama was watching you this whole time.

"Oi fatass get off of me." Felix says. Felix was pretty short; only 5' 7. But he had such kind eyes and freckles scattered all over his nose and cheeks. He had an ash grey colored mullet. Not going to lie he was very attractive. He is my best friend and trust me we would never like each other. He reminds me too much of my mom and I remind him of his aunt. (a/n if you know who i'm talking about I LOVE YOU if you don't, search up Lee Felix from Stray kids on google, he's adorable.)

"Nooooo I LOVE YOU!!!" You respond hugging him even tighter.

"Y-you're choking me." He says and with that you get up, off of him. He lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry you're just so cute I want to squeeze you to death." You say pinching his cheeks.

~ Kageyama's POV ~

Why was I so worried. wAiT did she just wink at me? Holy shit.

"Ok Kags well it seems that my manz is waiting for me, soooo I gotta go."

She said with a bright smile and ran off. MANZ??? WHAT b-but didn't she just say she was single? I'm so confused. I turn around and I see her on the ground with the so-called "manz", and I can't help but to get this stinging pain in my heart. I have the urge to punch something and cry at the sametime. I turn around to head to the gym.

"Hey Kageyama wanna walk to practice together." I hear Hinata say, but I ignore him and continue to walk. Of course this tangerine decides to keep following me. I sigh, and let him walk next to me.

"Hey are you ok, why aren't you talking?" Hinata asks.

"I-im fine boke."

"Bet I can make it to the gym faster than you." The tangerine says getting ready to sprint.

"I'm not in the mood right now." I reply coldly.

"Oh ok, well I'm gonna go walk with Noya and Tanaka." With that he left.

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