Imagine no. 2 ~ Johnny Cade

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Summary: Johnny Cade and Y/n Curtis have been dating for a year. Y/n is Sodapop's twin sister. Both Johnny and Y/n being 16 when they first started dating. They're both 17 now. When Johnny gives Y/n something to show his love to her, Darry goes a little crazy...

Disclaimer: I'm sorry for making Darry sound like a bad guy in this imagine! It just goes with my idea!

Johnny's pov ~

Y/n and I have been dating for a year already! Man, the time went by quick right? Well anyways, I've been savin' up for a while now, and I'm gonna finally get Y/n something that she deserves. Something that also shows my love for her. I got her a beautiful butterfly necklace because she loves butterfly's, and a matching ring too!



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       Yeah, I know what your thinking

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Yeah, I know what your thinking. 'Johnny, those look so expensive! How'd you afford them?!'. Well, I've been working. I've worked at the dingo for a couple months, I've worked at the drive-in, and while I was working at those places, I used my free time to pick up shifts at the DX with Steve and Sodapop. I've worked so hard for these, I hope she likes them!

Y/n's pov ~

Johnnys been gone all day. I'm starting to worry about him. What if he got jumped? What if he got beat by his parents again? My leg is bouncing up and down from being nervous. "Calm down Minnie, it's alright, he'll be here soon." Two-Bit said to me. "How do you know Two?" I said. "Because he's with Dally, nobody messes with Dal." Pony said. Suddenly, the door opened. Revealing Dal and Johnny. I jumped up and ran to Johnny. "Missed me that much?" Johnny asked, chuckling. "I thought you got jumped." I mumbled. "Nah I'm alright babe." He responded. "Is everyone here?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, Darrys still at work though." Ponyboy said. "That's alright." Johnny said "CAKE FACE! PEPSI!" I yelled. "Yeah sissy?" Sodapop questioned. "I don't know, Johnny wanted y'all for something." I responded. They sat down on the couch. Johnny handed me a bag. "Open them. They're for you." He said, smiling as he did so. I opened them, tears streaming down my face. I smiled, hugging Johnny as tight as I could. Once I pulled away, he put the necklace around my neck. "I'm not proposing, but it's a promise ring, so we'll be each other's forever." He said, smiling. I nodded and he put the ring on my finger. "What the hell is going on here?!" Darry yelled. "Look at what Johnny got me Dar!" I said. I showed him the necklace. Then the ring. He got angry when he saw the ring. "So you thought you could get engaged without telling me about it? All of you? Nonce of y'all told me!!" He yelled again. "Darry wha~" I started, only to be cut off. "No!" Darry screamed. He took to ring off of my finger, ignoring my screams, and threw it out the door. "DARREL NO!" I sobbed. There was a chorus of "DARRY WHAT THE HELL MAN" and "SERIOUSLY DARREL?" I was so mad and upset. I tried to go out and get it but he held me back. I punched him, kicked him, slapped him, I even bit him arm until he let me go. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at him. I fell to the floor crying. "Don't worry sis, we'll go look for it." Sodapop told me. I just nodded. "Your the worst human to ever live, Darrel Shaynne Curtis." I said, walking away. Sobbing as I did so. I slammed my door with all of the power I had. I sat there crying for a few minutes until someone walked in. "What?" I said. "I'm sorry." They said. It was Darry. "Sorry? Your sorry? You really think sorry is gonna work this time?! You didn't buy that ring for me did you? No! Johnny did! Did you spend your money on this necklace and ring? NO DARREL! YOU DIDNT! JOHNNY DID BECAUSE HE LOVES ME! YOU DIDNT EVEN LET ME EXPLAIN!" I yelled. "Look I just didn't want you to leave ok? That's why I thought he was proposing." He said sadly. "Your not forgiven, at least not right now." I said sternly. "SISSY!" Sodapop yelled. "WHAT?" I yelled back. "WE FOUND IT!" He said, everyone bursting into the room. I smiled the best I could because I was so tired. He handed to Johnny, who put it back on my finger.
2 Months Later

       It's been 2 months since everything with Darry happened. I've forgiven him. It took a lot of time, food, redecorating of my room, clothes and more. But let's say everybody's happy now and that's all that matters.

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