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Background: You and August have been married for a year now. You are eight months pregnant with your first child-a girl- who is going to be born any minute.

-Y/N p.o.v-

"I want pink cupcakes!" I whined, following August around the house. He would always reply with 'The doctor said you can't'.

"Y/N, I love you and I would do anything, but our daughter can't be having sugar." August kissed my cheek and walked upstairs. I wobbled right beside him and start having tiny contractions, I always get those. "August, can we atleast cuddle?"

He sat down in the computer chair, "Sorry baby. I have to finsh this up, but I promise we can cuddle."

I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling fan spinning, air coming from it's movements. I begin to feel tiny kicks and turns in my stomach.

"August, I think this one is going to be a dancer. She won't go to sleep. She has been awake all day." I sighed.

"Well, maybe she is ready to come out and see the world." I heard August say when he kept typing and clicking.

"What's her name going to be? Didn't you let your nieces decide?" I asked.

"Yes. The name is 'Alaina Grace Alsina'." I could feel "Alaina" kick inside, she probably agreed with the name.

. . .

August was still doing his computer work, while I was still laying in the bed. I was hearing him sigh and laugh.

I started getting pains, pains I never ever felt. "August, can you kiss my stomach. The pains are back."

Usually when August kissed my stomach, there wouldn't be that much pain I have to feel. He sat on the bed, lifted up my shirt, and planted a kiss on my belly.

He laid his head on my stomach. "She seems to be ready to leave."

"At the moment!" I said, struggling to get up. The pains being worst.

"Definitely, Y/N. But why all that screaming?"


"I'm right here. Do you need anything?"

"Yes! My water broke!"

August helped to the door downstairs, but I couldn't make it.

"August, we may be doing a home birth." I whispered...

He unzipped my pants and held my hand tightly.

"Okay, Y/N. I want you to push when I say so."

I pushed three times...

. . .

I opened my eyes, my eyes being blinded by light above. I had an IV stuck to me and there was a baby crib on the side. Many wires were connected to the crib, blood flowing through one of them.

"Where am I?" I whispered to myself, hearing quite speaking from the outside the door.

"Mr.August, you have to be very thankful to have Y/N alive. The baby was trying to get out, but the shell couldn't break. Do you want to visit her?"

I knew August nodded his head once the door opened.

"Y/N, I know you are alive. Can you hear me?" August asked.

"Y-Yes." My words were very slow, barely any making sense to me myself.

"I thank God for you! I wish I could just kiss you and love you, but you are all corded up. Have you seen Alaina yet?"


"She is beautiful. Her eyes are big like yours, her lips are full like mine, and that hair is a gene she get from both. Y/N, I hope you can see her as soon as possible. I took a few selfies with her and posted them on instagram and twitter." August chuckled.

"Excuse me, Y/N, are you ready to see her." The doctor asked me.

I nodded my head, and then a Babygirl was in my hands. Her eyes opened to see me, her mother, her first lady, the one she runs too...

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