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Finally... The day everyone was waiting for .. you were waiting for .. I was waiting for ..

Abhira Marriage .....

Uttara woke up ... She didn't had a sleep last night .. she was excited and nervous .. 

Marriage is a very special day in a girl's life .. but Uttara didn't feel Special.. it seemed another same day for her ....

She then saw .. around .. Beautiful heavy dresses ..... Beautiful huge jewelries .... Her personal materials .. being packed .. wait what .. .. packed ..

Oh noooooo .. screamed uttara ....

Sudeshnaaa entered rushing.. seeing her daughter crying...

Putri .. she went and hugged her ...

Uttara - maata I have to leave u .. Pitashree .. Bhrata Uttara .. my friends .. my room ... My house .. my City .... Forever....

Sudeshnaaa - Calm down Uttara .. it's your marriage.. don't cry putri .. or your eyes will swell up ...
Calm down ... .... U should be happy...

Uttara - Happy on leaving ....

From back Subhadra entered ...

Subhadra - Happy on getting a new family ... New father .. new mother's ...  And husband....

Uttara looked at her quickly wiping her tears ....

Subhadra came and sat near Uttara .. she hugged her ...

Uttara - Maata ..

Subhadra - Yess putri .. and trust me .. you will have a great time in Dwarka ......

Uttara smiled ...

Subhadra - Now Take a quick bath fast ... Then I have to get you ready also ....

Uttara nodes and rushed to bathing chamber

Abhimanyu after taking milk bath .. came out .. he glowed a lot .. more than ever .. no no no .. not by milk bath ... But by the never going smile o. His face ....

Arjun entered his chamber .. where the up Panadavas were teasing Abhimanyu... And he was sitting annoyed ...

Arjun - putr ..

As Abhimanyu turned .. Arjun saw himself in him ....

Abhimanyu - Pranipaat Pitashree .. he quickly went and took his ashirwaad

Arjun - putr u look so good today ...

The other uppandavas smiled and left ....

Arjun - putr .. when a man turns to husband... He has many responsibilitied on his shoulder ... A girl is leaving everything for you... Never ever disrespect her .... Her wish should be your command...
Rest you are grown up ..

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