4 ❋

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Emirī's pov -

"Please! You haven't come with me to a party in forever!" May kept on pushing the idea of going to the wedding with her. I still kept refusing though. "For the last time, no! I don't wanna be stranded and have to go home worrying about you."
"Well what if something bad happens to me at the wedding?" she asked. May knows I can get paranoid easily. "Stop that, I know what you're trying to do," I sighed, "besides, you can protect yourself." She pouted and started giving me puppy eyes. She knows they have no effect on me, so she opened her backpack and pulled out a plastic bag. I looked at her confused and curious as to what was in the bag. She looked at me with a smirk and shoved the bag over to me. I opened it and to my surprise, it was filled to the top with all of my favorite snacks and drinks. "There's more where that came from," she said with mischief in her eyes, "all you have to do is accompany me to the wedding in two days." I knew it was coming. I usually don't like going out to the store unless it's necessary, so I don't get to eat as many of my favorite snacks as I'd like. I glared at her. Food was without a doubt my weakness.


     I had finally given in when she told me she'd bring me food for a week and now we're out shopping. "Oooh, what about this dress!" May asked, holding up the dress in front of her. "It looks nice," I said, looking around. "What are you looking for?" she asked putting the dress back on the rack. "Hm? Oh nothing, there was a guy I saw earlier and I thought he was following us around." She gave me a discomforted look. "Maybe we should go?" May suggested, looking around as well. I glanced at her to see her slightly frowning at the thought of leaving so soon. I sighed, "No it's okay, we're in public and it's 12:40 p.m, nothing's going to happen," I reassured her. Her face lit up as she resumed flipping through the dresses on the rack. I didn't exactly like dresses, but I was being forced to wear one by May. "Hey Em, I was thinking..." she started. When she starts her sentences with those words, it means she's going to suggest something out of my comfort zone. "What if you showed your wings while wearing the dress you pick out?" she asked. I scoffed. I knew it was going to be something like that. "Come on, your wings are beautiful and they would look great if you showed them!" I just glared at her.

     I don't like my wings because when I was little I was never able to control when they came out. When I would get bullied and beaten up at school, I needed a shield, but they would never come out. It was only when I didn't want them to come out. When I was presenting or got really happy they would appear. Once I learned to control them, I kept them hidden. I thought of it as punishment for all the years of suffering, but really it was because I didn't want any attention. Truth be told, keeping my wings hidden for longer than 3 hours makes my back hurt, so when I'm in my apartment I let them do whatever they want. If I go over 3 hours, they come out against my will and I'm not able to put them away for a while.

"I don't understand why you can't just accept that they're a part of you," May said picking up another dress. She held it up to herself then to me. She smiled and grabbed my arm. Before I knew it we were in front of the changing room. "Here, try this on," she said shoving the dress in front of me. I rolled my eyes and groaned then proceeded to go into one of the changing rooms. When I was done, I looked in the mirror. The dress she picked out for me was a long black dress with a gold waist piece and a flowing lace tapered bottom and a leg slit in the middle. The back was open and I could tell that's why she wanted me to try it on. It didn't look bad, but I still didn't like dresses. I walked out to see her on her phone waiting for me. When she looked up her jaw dropped and she covered her mouth. "Em..." she said, "you look so gorgeous!" I felt my cheeks turn the smallest tint of pink as I looked away and put my hand on my neck, smiling softly. "Thanks," I replied. "Can you please just let your wings out, just this once?" she pleaded, "Come on! Just for me." I rolled my eyes at her pleads and finally sighed. With that, my wings appeared, fluttering a little from being kept hidden for a while, then went to my sides. Her eyes went big and I could just see the excitement in them. Before I could stop her, she took a picture of me. "May! Delete that right now," I pouted. "No! You look so pretty!" People were walking by and stopped to stare at me. "She looks so pretty!" I heard one of the girls say. My wings then came closer, slightly wrapping and hiding myself. I quickly ducked back into the changing rooms. Staring at myself in the mirror, I stretched my wings out as far as they could in the small changing room. I guess I don't look that bad.

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