Chapter Fifty-Seven

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A/N Last chapter of the sixth book! I really hope you guys are enjoying. Thanks for dealing with my lack of updates the past couple months!

The air is cool for June, goosebumps spreading over my arms as Snape pushes me out onto the roof. Draco's back is to us, his wand pointed at our headmaster with a shaking arm. Dumbledore stands with his hands crossed in front of him, looking as calm as ever - even in the face of death.

"Ah, Miss Medlor," he greets, smiling as he watches the rest of the death eaters crowd onto the roof. "It's been quite a while since we've talked. How are you?"

I stare at him for a moment, my eyes flickering toward Draco. It's then that he finally turns his head back, looking at me fearfully before turning his attention to the others.

"I'm doing it," he says, his voice breaking. "I'm killing him."

"Now, Draco!" Bellatrix shouts, stepping forward.

"Take her," Snape mutters to someone behind me. Someone's cold hand replaces Snape's on my arm, and before I can process what he's about to do, he storms forward and pushes Draco out of the way, pointing his wand at Dumbledore. "Avada kedavra!"

I gasp, closing my eyes the second the flash of green light hits my eyes.

Laughter erupts all around me, fabric rustling in the wind as people celebrate the death of the greatest wizard of all time.

Of all that has happened in the past few years, this is the first moment I'm certain we won't make it out alive; we as in all of us, really. My friends, my family, Draco. The one man truly capable of protecting us from Voldemort, gone.

And now I stand here, a Gryffindor "traitor" surrounded by death eaters who heard just enough to understand there is more between Draco and I than they imagined.

I'm tired of being scared, yet now I'm filled with more horror than I ever thought possible.

"Everyone, get down to the rest of the school!" Lucius calls out. I open my eyes to see him step forward to look between Draco and I. "Bellatrix, Medlor, stay up here. We'll make this quick."

My arm is released, but I don't dare to make a run for it as the rest of the death eaters move toward the stairs. My father comes to stand by Lucius, staring at me not in anger, or shock, but fear. Only fear.

"This is fun," Bellatrix giggles, stepping before me. "It seems you two have been hiding quite a bit, haven't you?"

"There's nothing going on between us," Draco snaps, his voice taking on that icy tone once again. When I look to him, I can tell just how relieved he is to have not been responsible for Dumbledore's death. He stands taller, his face screaming of anger rather than the previous sorrow and dread.

"Didn't sound like it," Lucius says darkly, storming toward him. "Do you realize how much danger you put us in?"

"It's not like that."

"You mean to tell me you were asking this girl to run away from us and hide in her room because she's what? Your friend?" he hisses. "What was all that in the Room of Requirement, you catching her for us?"

Draco shuts his mouth, pursing his lips. Movement out of the corner of my eye tears my focus away to settle on Bellatrix pulling her wand out.

"Perhaps she'd talk," she suggests, gesturing toward me. My heart drops, and I look toward Draco with wide eyes.

"He's telling the truth. I swear," I lie. "I found the room right when you got here. He didn't have a choice, he had to-"

"Lies," she cackles, stepping forward. She points her wand at me.

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